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Lesson Plan

Unit/Topic: Play dough and fractions Date: 20/5/13 Key Learning Area: literacy, numeracy, maths, Year Level:___5/6_____ Outcomes: New vocabulary, exploring descriptive words, fractions

Count by quarters halves and thirds, including with mixed numerals. Locate and represent these fractions on a number line (ACMNA078) Incorporate new vocabulary from a range of sources into students own texts including vocabulary encountered in research (ACELA1498)

LESSON STRUCTURE: Time 20 mins Main content Explain explicitly to students what will happen before each session: Lesson 1: Make play dough. Read recipe, measure required ingredients and mix, following written instructions. Each student makes a different colour. Whilst making play dough, talk about adjectives that describe how the play dough, feels, smells etc. Each student splits their play dough into equal parts equivalent to the number of other people at the table. Put into zip lock bag and named. Lesson 2 Students find their play dough and throw a dice which has fractions on each side etc. The student who throws the dice has to say the fraction out loud. The students have to cut their play dough into the required amount of pieces, for four pieces, setting one piece aside. Then change the amount to . Keep rolling dice and making fractions till end of session. Structure difficulty factor to suit ability levels. Lower levels start with cut into equal and unequal parts, quarters and thirds. Teaching Approaches Combining modelled activity with students independent reading and thinking. Tactile learning through making the play dough. English work discussing descriptive words that describe how the play dough feels Learning simple fraction structure and the difference between equal and unequal parts.

20 mins


mins Pre-prepared sheets with images of students making play dough from previous session with space for writing underneath. Teacher explains to students that they are to write My dough feels and fill in using descriptive words. The students and teacher then workshop suitable adjectives. Teacher can structure the scaffolding for different student levels

RESOURCES (Include equipment required for class and/or for teacher preparation)

Play dough recipe and instructions Flour Water Salt Food colour Plastic knives Zip lock bags Writing sheet for adjectives

Assessment: Informal formative assessment: whilst teaching to change the direction of the task to suit the students levels and understanding. Rubric whilst learning sheet : collecting data about the students abilities to perform the required tasks. Summative assessment: look at results of rubric and teachers informal assessment and writing sheet to assess students learning ability and path.


REFLECTION All groups enjoyed the hands on activity of reading the instructions and making the play dough and then splitting the play dough up so they all got different colours, all very into writing their names on their own bags. The lower ability group were hard to motivate to use the play dough to learn about fractions they just wanted to play with it. It worked well combining the hands on activity with learning fractions for the other learners and extending this to developing their adjectives skills as well.

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