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Where indicated, please circle Y for yes and N for no.

If there is space for you to write a

response, please do so as required.
1. From what ethnic background are you?
2. Which suburb/community do you live in?
3. Have you been vaccinated?

Y / N

4. If yes, can you list all/some of the vaccines you received?

5. Are your parents vaccinated?

Y / N

6. Do you have a child/children? Y / N

7. How many? :______
8. Are they all vaccinated?

Y / N

9. A. If no, would you consider vaccinating them in the future?

Y / N
B. Why/why not?
C. If yes, what are they vaccinated for?
D. If some but not all of your children are vaccinated, why did you choose to stop
vaccinating them?
10. Who primarily convinced you to vaccinate your child/children? Please circle all that
a. Partner
b. Parents
c. Medical professional/Family doctor
d. Friend
e. Independently
f. Other:_________________________________
11. Was there any party (it could be one listed above or another) that tried to encourage
or discourage you from vaccinating?
Y / N
12. If yes, please specify whom.

13. What reasons did they give?

14. Do you believe that vaccination is an effective form of immunisation?

Y / N

15. Do you feel thoroughly informed about vaccinations? (E.g. what is available, the
effects etc.)
Y / N
16. Do you think there are better ways to become informed about vaccinations?

Y / N

17. If yes, please specify a method/methods that you think would be effective.
18. Would you encourage others to vaccinate their children?

Y / N

19. Do you think your childs vaccination has been effective?

Y / N

20. Will you allow them to receive further vaccinations if they become available? Y / N
21. Has your child fallen sick to any of the illnesses they were vaccinated against? Y / N
22. Please specify which illness.
23. How severe was it?

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