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Devising a Strategy to Penetrate Into Photography Channel & To Demonstrate Its Increased Sale of Blank Optical Media and Flash Storage Media

Moser Baer is a leading Brand in the photography channel has introduced new product(s) for the consumer relies on value. Moser Baer is trying to increase their market share and market demand in the photography channel. Moser Baer is facing problem to increase their market share in photography segment. Although Moser Baer is the 2nd most preferred brand in Blank Optical Media segment after Sony but still it doesnt have an optimized target market. Reasons behind improper market share are cost issue, unavailability of products, brand unawareness on part of customers, promotional aspects, Consumer preference of video box size, Non continuous supply of goods and poor brand image. Moser Baer is trying to reposition its brand image in consumers mind by introducing effective pricing strategies, launching advertisement campaign, making the availability of products( CDs, DVD, Micro SD cards, pen drives) at right time. Moser Baer is now able to change perception of consumers somehow but still More than 78% of the photo related stores are not ready to use or sell Moser Baer products due to the lack of market demand.

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