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The Chi-lin Purse

Before Reading: With your partnerWhat might make you want to do a good deed? What kind of good deeds have you done?

Partner A
Read aloud pages 238-239. Participate in discussion with your partner. Listen to Partner B read. Discuss: Why do you think Hsiang-ling instructs her maid not to mention her name? What does this tell the reader about Hsianglings character?

Partner B
Listen to Partner A read. Discuss: Think about what you know of folk tales. What do you think will happen to someone as spoiled as Hsiang-ling? Read aloud page 240-241.

Day 2

Participate in discussion with your partner.

Discuss: Consider whether what Hsiang-ling has done with the purse is the right or wrong Participate in discussion with your partner. thing to do. Predict how this incident might give rise to other events in the story. Read aloud page 242-243. Listen to Partner A read. Discuss: How does the flood seem to change Hsiang-lings attitude? Why does this happen? Participate in discussion with your partner. Explain what background knowledge led you to this. After Reading: On the back of this task card paperMake predictions about what you think the rest of the story will be about. Use what you have learned so far to support your prediction. Listen to Partner B read. Discuss: Paraphrase the events on pp. 244247 in sequence. Participate in discussion with your partner. Read 248-249 to your partner. Participate in discussion with your partner. Read page 244-2475 to your partner. Participate in discussion with your partner. Discuss: Compare and contrast the lives of Hsiang-ling and Mrs. Lu up to this point in the story. Listen to Partner A read. Discuss: Explain how Hsiang-lings two acts of kindness led to the resolution of this story. How did the author foreshadow Hsiang-lings kindness?

Day 3

After Reading: How

does the story the Chil-in Purse show that one good dead

deserves another? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

Name: ____________________________ Partner: __________________________

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