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Tutorials for Web GIS Introduction to ArcGIS Online

Introduction to ArcGIS Online

Tutorial Overview
In this tutorial you will create an ArcGIS Public Account, explore content available through ArcGIS Online, and create, save and share your own Web map. ArcGIS Online is a Web-based system that allows you to create interactive maps and applications (apps), and share them with the world across the Internet. ArcGIS Online also gives you access to data, maps and apps already created by other people within the worldwide community of GIS users. Skills By completing this tutorial, you will become comfortable with the following GIS skills: 1. Creating a public ArcGIS Online account. 2. Searching for data, maps and apps in ArcGIS Online. 3. Saving and sharing Web maps in ArcGIS Online. Time Required The following classroom time is required to complete this tutorial: 20 30 minutes Materials Required Technology: Internet browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari) Production Date The Education team at Esri Canada makes every effort to present accurate and reliable information. The Web sites and URLs used in this document are from sources that were current at the time of production, but are subject to change without notice to Esri Canada. Production Date: November, 2012

Background Information
ArcGIS Online ArcGIS Online is a Web-based system that allows you to create interactive maps and apps and share them with the world across the Internet. For further information on ArcGIS Online features and functionality, visit Esris Website at

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Tutorials for Web GIS Introduction to ArcGIS Online

Part A: Creating a Public Account in ArcGIS Online

1. Start by typing the URL into your Web browser. 2. Click Sign In at the upper right hand side of the page. 3. If you do not have an Esri Global Account, click the Create a Public Account button. If you have an Esri Global Account, enter your username and password and select the Sign In button.

4. On the Create a New Account page, enter all the required information. When you have finished entering all the required information and have reviewed the terms of use, write down your username and password for future use and select the Create My Account button.

Once your account has been created, you will automatically be signed in and taken to the ArcGIS Online home page shown below. You now have the ability to save and share Web maps and apps through ArcGIS Online.

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Tutorials for Web GIS Introduction to ArcGIS Online

Part B: Searching for Content in ArcGIS Online

There are many ways to find Web maps and apps and to search for and add data to a map in ArcGIS Online. In this section you will explore the available search functionality within ArcGIS Online. Gallery 1. Select the Gallery button at the top of the home page. The Gallery page provides access to featured Web maps and apps and is a good place to find content that is relevant to current events. 2. Examine a Web map or app from the Gallery. You can do this by moving your mouse over the thumbnails and clicking on Open to view a map or app. Groups 3. Select the Groups button at the top of the home page. The Groups page provides access to a number of groups that exist in ArcGIS Online. Groups allow users with similar interests to come together and share content with one another. An applicable group for Canadian students and educators is the Esri Canada Education Resources group. 4. Using the search box located in the upper-right corner of the Groups page, search for Esri Canada Education. 5. Explore the education-related content available as part of the Esri Canada Education Resources group. You can do this by moving your mouse over the thumbnails and choosing to Open a map in the ArcGIS Online Map Viewer.

Map 6. Click the Map button that is located at the top of the ArcGIS Online home page. This will launch the ArcGIS Online Map Viewer. The Map Viewer is the default location for creating and viewing Web maps and data within ArcGIS Online. It is important to note that instead of searching for content, the search box in the Map Viewer will search for geographic locations on the map. 7. Locate the search box in the upper-right corner of the Map Viewer. Use the search box to zoom to a location of your personal interest. The search box can be used to locate countries, cities, specific addresses, institutions such as universities and even certain monuments.

Note: For accurate search results, include as much information as possible, such as: Address, City, Province and Postal Code.

ArcGIS Online will zoom to the approximate location. If nothing happens, try adding more information to your search.

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Tutorials for Web GIS Introduction to ArcGIS Online

In the map viewer you can also search for data to add to your map: 8. Click on the add data button and choose to Search for Layers.

9. Type in a keyword to find data of your own interest. 10. Explore the layers available in the results window. In the results window click on the layer title for more information or click Add to add the data to your map. 11. Choose a layer to add to your map. Explore the data. Now that you have a map created, save it.

Part C: Saving and Sharing a Map in ArcGIS Online

In this section, you will save your map to your public account. From there, you have the option to share your map with the world via the Internet or take advantage of a number of Web apps to showcase your map. You can learn how to find, organize and edit your maps through the My Content page. Save and Share 1. It is now time to save your map. Click the Save icon located above your map.

2. In the Save Map window , enter an appropriate title, summary and a set of tags that will make your map easy for others to find if they search for it. When you are finished, click the Save Map button. Your map is now saved to your ArcGIS Online account.
Note: You can access your map by locating it within the My Contents section of ArcGIS Online.

3. Click the Share icon located above your map. From the Share window that appears, you can do any of the following: Select who to share your map with:

Share your map using social media or a unique Web URL:

Embed your Web map in a Web site:

Create your own customized Web application that uses your Web map:

For this tutorial, you have the option to share or not share your map. Since you created this map, you can choose who can see it and who cannot see it. You can either share your map with everyone (public), with Page 4 of 5

Tutorials for Web GIS Introduction to ArcGIS Online

a specific group that you may belong to or keep it private. If you chose to make your Web map visible to everyone, then you can also take advantage of the other sharing options that become available with this option. 4. For the purpose of this exercise, share your map with Everyone (public). Further in this tutorial, you will learn how to unshare it. 5. Click Close to exit the Share window. To test your map has been shared successfully, search for it in ArcGIS Online: 6. Click the ArcGIS logo at the top-right corner to shortcut to the Home page.

7. Using the search box located in the upper-right corner of the Home page, search for your map using the keyword tags selected when you saved your map. 8. Explore the search results to find your map. 9. Because this is a learning exercise, open your map, and click the Share icon to unshare your map with Everyone (public). This will help maintain relevancy of ArcGIS Online content. My Content 10. Select the My Content button at the top of the page. The My Content page allows you to view and organize your content. With a public account, you can save up to 2GB of content for free. Content includes Web maps, references to external Web apps and map services, data, as well as map and layer packages. You can also create folders to help organize your data. 11. Click the Create New Folder icon and type Tutorial Maps as the folder name.

12. Click the check box beside your recently created map to select it. Click the Move icon and select the Tutorial Maps as the folder to move this map to.

You are done! Take some time now to explore the many maps and apps that are available in ArcGIS Online.

Future Considerations
Want to learn how to use the ArcGIS Online Map Viewer to create your own data? Check out the Creating Features in ArcGIS Online tutorial to learn how to get started: Interested in learning how to add data from your computer to a Web map you just created?? Check out the Mapping Your Data tutorial to learn how:
2012 Esri Canada All rights reserved. Trademarks provided under license from Environmental Systems Research Institute Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Errors and omissions excepted.

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