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5 points: Material covered is accurate and complete. Additional, up-to-date documented material is included very informational overall. 3 points: Material is accurate and complete. 1 point: Material is incomplete and/or inaccurate. 5 points: Format is appropriate, information conveyed Presentation with clarity very effective overall. Creativity in Format presentation. 3 points: Format is appropriate, information harder to understand. 1 point: Format inappropriate and/or information hard to understand. Presentation boring. 5 points: Presentation well-rehearsed, visuals are neatly Presentation done, media used is properly edited presentation is excellent overall. 3 points: Presentation has obvious preparation, quality is adequate. 1 point: Presenters ill-rehearsed and/or visuals and media quality lacking. Group Participation 5 points: Each group member has contributed in a vital way. 3 points: Everyone is included in some capacity. 1 point: Not all group members participate. 0 points: There is bickering, etc. Activity/Assignment 5 points: Challenging reinforces learning. 3 points: Age/class appropriate/useful for learning. 1 point: Not age/class appropriate, does not reinforce learning. 5 points: Challenging accurately assesses learning. Assessment 3 points: Basic 1 point: Does not accurately assess learning.


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