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Thorough but Unreliable Crew: (F) Mia Smithe - 29 - Captain, Chef, and Engineer - Cat Mia is impulsive and

quick witted, if not quite the most intelligent cat. She is a skilled engineer and mechanic, though not quite up to the skill level of the Earless, whom she idolizes for their common sense yet advanced designs. (M) Kray Borge - 22 - Sous Chef - Cat Kray has always proved a good chef to Mia and her team of so-called engineers. He finds himself outspoken on a goodly number of subjects, and tends to be thusl y quiet, but is a gifted orator, always seeming to turn people to his way of thinking... Eventually. (F)'Doc' Za Phisher - 19 - "Doctor" - Cat Za takes after Mia in all but intelligence, frequently finding herself neck-deep in situations she has no way of dealing with. While this makes her a particularly good emergen cy responder, and her medical skill is unmatched in the crew, she is quick to anger and gets b ored extremely easily. (M) Vosh Carver - 20 - Engineer - Cat An extremely talented handy-man, Vosh is frequently beside Mia in all tasks rega rding machining and smithing, though prefers wood and clay to copper and steel. A bit of a hippy at times, he finds himself easily distracted when he's not doing something he absolutely love s. Tends to stay below deck. (M) Dako Hurla - 41 - Watchman - Cat A hunter in the raw, Dako is extremely dedicated to whatever he sets his mind to do. In this case, he's latched on to the relative security Mia brings to the table, and has thrown in h is lot with her. Independent to a fault, he almost exclusively takes night shifts keeping lookout for trouble. (M) Arni Cross - 30 - Assistant - Cat Arni is a rather awkward cat whose primary contribution is being rather physical ly strong. Soft spoken and mild mannered, he prefers to be in the background, lazing about in the sun, to any more violent pursuit. Frequently found on the back deck, he at least makes a good watch-cat.

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