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Rubric for Language Arts ENGLISH YEAR 3 1) Presentation stage: Follow the events of the story by answering -WH

questions. No. Of Pupils 1. 2. 3. DESCRIPTORS: Good Intermediate Weak Good Intermediate Weak

: Able to answer teacher's question independently. : Able to answer questions with peers. : Able to answer questions with teacher's guidance.

2) Rearrange events in the correct sequence. No. Of Pupils 1. 2. 3. DESCRIPTORS: Good Intermediate Weak : Able to rearrange all the events correctly with explanations. : Able to rearrange most of the events correctly. : Able to rearrange the events with teacher's guide. Good Intermediate Weak

3) Complete the ending of the story in their own booklet. No. Of Pupils 1. 2. 3. DISCRIPTORS: Good : Able to write and present orally ending of the story with less grammatical errors. Intermediate Weak : Able to write and present orally an ending of the story. : Able to write an ending of the story. Good Intermediate Weak

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