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Readme file for 1964 language file format: By Rice, 12/08/2003 For further questions, email me at rice1964@yahoo.

com ==== Read this file before starting your translation ==== * all lines starting with '!', or with a space character ' ' will be ignored * so you can add comments lines by starting it with a '!' * all empty lines are ignored * number sequence is important, don't change the number orders, and don't mix th e leading numbers * please refer to the English language file for leading number sequence * don't add anything else at the end of number-lead lines * DON'T translate lines marked by 'Don't translate the next line', these lines a re the key lines * Please include your contact information in your translation file so people can know this is your work * You may add extra comments lines to your translation file for other useful pur poses * Regarding filename: * In general, you should use the language name in its own language as the filena me, end with '.lng' * Such filenames may be not loadable by the Windows/OS in other languages * You can also name the file in english, so everyone can access it. * If a language file is loadable, the filename will be used in the language sele ction menu * regardless of the current selected language * length for menu item usually does not matter since menu has always enough spac e to display the strings * length for dialog item texts must be paid special attention because the dialog item text * space is limited, you should try to use the shortest translation or acronyms. * Since you may not have the beta 1964.exe to test your translation with, please do your best * for the moment, and test your translation when it is available for you.

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