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TSL 3107 Teaching Writing in The Primary ESL Classroom

Week 7/Topic 5: Selection and Adaptation of Materials and Activities

Group Task: In your respective groups, select an authentic material. Simplify and adapt the material for average learners. Describe suitable activities for average learners. Prepare to present to the class your adapted version of the authentic material. Angel Luk, Farahiyah, Jee May, Poonggani

Authentic Material

Adapted Material
Teeth Brush teeth every morning and night to keep them shining and bright. Visit your dentist regularly Hair Wash your hair often. Keep it neat by styling and brushing

Year 5 Average Activities:


Write a short paragraph

Create a poster

Activity 1: Brainstorming

Teacher will show a poster of healthy lifestyle in the class.

Students are asked to brainstorm about: Why we should take care of our health? How to take care of our health? What are the other ways to take care of our health?

Activity 2: Write a short paragraph Students are asked to write a short paragraph of their own healthy lifestyle based on their idea in brainstorming session.

Read it out loud in the class.

Teacher and students give feedback.

Activity 3: Create a poster

Students are asked to create a poster in order to persuade the people around to practice healthy lifestyle in their daily life.

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