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HE1 Problem Name

Problem with input field

Heuristic: Consistency and standards Heuristic: Visibility of system status Interface aspect: When you click on input field nothing happens, and you wonder what is going on, because you get used to write on input field promptly.

User doesnt know what to do then after long thinking he sees the add button by clicking it he sees another pop-up and then realize that you need to write there.

When the user does not understand why the sign is not displayed on the input box it comes in bewilderment, and he spend time to

understand what he must to do.

You should do so ,that when you type in the input field, the label displayed immediately , not through the button to add.

No relationships

HE2 Problem Name

Impossible to delete a contact.

Heuristic: User control and freedom Interface aspect: User cant delete contact, there is no delete button.

When user wants to delete unnecessary contact he cant do it, because there is no delete option.


There is no feedback, firstly you can find delete button then user trying delete with help of keyboard but also nothing is happens. Finally user becomes angry.

Put delete button.

No relationships.

HE3 Problem Name

Error in the selection the number of product

Heuristic: User control and freedom Heuristic: Consistency and standards Interface aspect: Wrongly adds the amount of some product

When a user adds a product from the first time must be added one by one But here it is automatically added directly the number 2.

Severity Perhaps the user does not want this product in duplicate and it comes in a bewildering why it is added twicely. Trade-offs

Correct an error in the system

HE1- Problem with input field. HE2- Impossible to delete a contact.

HE4 Good Feature Name

Readability of the buttons.

Heuristic: Visibility of system status Heuristic: Flexibility and efficiency of use Interface aspect: The buttons so simple that looking at them once it is clear that they should be done

When the user sees the arrows he immediately guessed it direction where to go.

With these buttons the user easily add the desired products.

They are simple to use and you want to press them

HE1- Problem with input field.

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