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Written Assignment

The assignment is about various roles and duties of operation managers operating in local industries of Peshawar. Each group has to select a local company, whether producing goods or delivering services, and then lists a number of related roles played by the operation managers. At least ten major roles and responsibilities must be mentioned thoroughly and in full details. The assignment must have a minimum word count of eight hundreds. The following format must be followed: The top page should contain the title of the assignment with a logo of the company selected. Furthermore, it must list all the names of the group members along with the email ID of the group leader. The title page must mention the number of word count at the lower left corner of the front page. The front page should be properly signed by the group leader at the lower right corner. The second page should contain the table of contents The third page should have a brief abstract of the assignment. From the fourth page and onward, the following areas must be covered with full details: Brief introduction of the company selected and its broader scope of operations. Reason for selecting the specific company. Explain and describe the three major functions of the company i.e. Finance, Operations, and Marketing explaining their roles and duties. And as mentioned above, at least ten of the major roles and duties of operation manager must be explained in detail. The last page should mention all the sources of information (references) used in the assignment. References must follow the APA style. A separate document explaining the APA style of references will be provided as an additional attachment.

New Times Roman font of size 12 with 1.5 line spacing is to be followed. A one inch margin on all sides is to be kept throughout. Any headings should be in bold and should be sequenced properly. There is no upper limit on the word count but at least 800 words should be written. Any value addition of the tasks in terms of content and presentation will be appreciated in form of more marks. Assignment must be submitted in both hard and soft form. The hard copy of the assignment is to be submitted in the coming class while the soft copy has to be submitted before the commencement of the next class to email ID: The soft form of the assignment will be used for plagiarism purposes. It should be remember that assignments with plagiarism index greater than 18% will be rejected and will result in zero marks for the whole group. Both hard and soft form of the assignments submitted after the mentioned deadline will not be accepted and will result in zero marks. Academic Integrity: since it is a group task, every group must have intragroup coordination and no intergroup coordination should be tolerated. Your instructor will conduct a subjective assessment of the quality of your assignments and allocate marks accordingly. While a student might disagree with this subjective assessment he/she does not have the right to question this allocation of marks which is the instructors prerogative only.

May the wolves get you

Dated: 06/10/2013

Waqas Khan Lecturer, Business Administration Department Iqra National University, Peshawar

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