Ecology Poster Project (100 Points) : Score

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Ecology Poster Project (100 Points)

10 points Factors (2)/Interactions (3) 1 biotic/biotic 1 biotic/abiotic 3 types of symbiotic relationships Make drawings/diagrams to represent the above concepts.

10 points Write a meaningful connection between these two concepts.

10 points Combine these two cycles into one landscape diagram: Nitrogen Cycle Carbon Cycle Include decomposers and highlight them.

20 points 10 points Write a meaningful connection between these two concepts. Ecosystem Make drawings to unify all the concepts shown in the four corner areas. 10 points Write a meaningful connection between these two concepts.

10 points Trophic Levels Impact Draw organisms in a diagram and use arrows to show the direction of energy flow. Label the producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers and tertiary consumers. Name of group members: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

10 points Human Impact In a drawing, show how pollution and human population affect the Earth. (Chapter 4 of your book)

10 points Write a meaningful connection between these two concepts.



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