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DISTINCT Acronym- Technical

Camera Work: Camera movements can make the audience feel tense but can also help to make them feel like they are in the film. For example when the cameraman moves the camera about, they are trying to mimic the characters breathing. This is conveyed in the opening sequence of the Bourne Supremacy when Jason Bourne wakes up in is bed after a nightmare and is breathing heavily Tracking (Dolly shot) is a fast paced camera movement used in thriller films when someone is being chased or in a fight scene to exhilarate the audience and also tp make them feel involved in the film. Another convention in a thriller are close ups and extreme close ups is another convention of a thriller as these shots show the emotion through the characters facial expression which help to emphasise the mood of the film.

Sound: The sound/music is important in a thriller as the type of sound/music that is used gives the thriller more meaning Non-Diegetic sound/music that plays in the background determines the atmosphere of the film. In some thrillers a silence technique is used to build up suspense In most thriller movies there is a calm before the storm which means that the tension is built up to the focal event which gives the sense that something bad is going to happen

Lighting: This is another main element in a thriller film Low-key lighting is most likely to be used in a thriller film due to the fact it creates the mise-en-scene Shadows created through lighting are a main convention of a thriller. These can help to represent evil and darkness within character as well as creating an eerie atmosphere

Editing: Editing tends to be fast paced with quick cuts Straight cuts and jump cuts are used to keep up with the fast pace but also help to add to the enigma of the film, thus creating a tense atmosphere

Obstructive editing is also used frequently in thrillers to accentuate the feeling of suspense and tension and are mainly used during and important or particularly fast paced scene to create disorientation (montage editing)

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