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Oh Mario, come on and please save me from Koopa!

Title Card

You have to finished all the levels and solve math problems to save Princess Peach.

Guide Card
Strategic Intervention Material

Topic: Geometric

Sequence and Geometric Series

In this lesson you will learn to: a. Identify geometric sequences; b. Write and use formulas to solve geometric sequence; c. Solve word problems involving geometric sequence and geometric series.

Guide Card
Identifying Geometric Sequences Decide whether each sequence is geometric. a. 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, . . . b. 81, 27, 9, 3, 1, . . .

Writing a Rule for the nth Term Write a rule for the nth term of the sequence -8, -12, -18, 27, . . . . Then find a8.

Guide Card

Guide Card

Guide Card

Guide Activity Card Card

Answer the following questions carefully, and move to the next activity.

Activity One


Guide Activity Card Card

Keep on going as you join Marios adventure.

Activity Two

Guide Assessment
Mario, where you should not take your dog.

Card Card

Finally these problems will tell you whether you win the game or not.

Guide Enrichment Card Card

If you place 1 on the first square of a chessboard, 2 on the second square, 4 on the third, and so on, continuing to double the amount until all 64 squares are covered, How much money will be on the sixty-fourth square? ___________________________________________ How much money will there be on the whole board? ___________________________________________ Fill in the boxes to complete the sequence

Turn on to the next page to check all of your answers.

Guide Answer Card Card

a. An=1(.5)n-1 b. Sn=1(1+.5)64 F L E A M A R K E T

55 bricks

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