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Name :

Ki joko bodo First Name Mailing Address: Jl Email address:

bodo Middle Name

Edan Family Name Telephone Number:

1. Age ______ 2. Birth Date __23 november____________________ 3. Place of Birth __________________________________ 4. Citizenship ____________________________________ 5. Religion ______________________________________________ 6. Home Address ______________________________________________________________________________________


7 8 9 10

Marital Status: Name of Spouse:



Separated Widow

Spouses Occupation/Employer: Number of Children: 3 (three) 11. Their Ages: 1, 5, 7 years old

No 12 13

Fathers / Mothers Names


Highest educational Attainment Bachelor Diploma

14. Are your parent living?

Father ________

Mother ___________

15. Please list all secondary schools, colleges, and universities attended. Secondary Schools, Colleges and Graduate Schools Attended Mercu Buana University SMAN 5 Location Dates Attended from to Educational Degree Received (State In Full) Bachelor of Communication Science (S.Ikom) NONE

yogyakarta YOGYAKARTA

2012 - now 2000 - 2003

16. College Extracurricular/Business or Community Activities or Involvement Activities Number of Years of Membership/Involvement Position held, if any

17. Full-Time Position Held. List each position separately with most recent job first. A. Employer Nature of Business Employers Address Date Employed Responsibilities : : : : : Univ Mercu buana Education JL Jembatan October 2011 present Administrative Staff - Handling data base - Working with .

Reason for leaving


B. Employer Nature of Business Employers Address Date Employed Responsibilities

: : : : :

Reason for leaving

18. Training Programs/ Seminars/Conferences Attended A. Training/Seminar Conducted by Inclusive date : : : ENGLISH COURSE ELTI, YOGYAKARTA 2010

B. Training/Seminar Conducted by Inclusive date

: : :


C. Training/Seminar Conducted by Inclusive date

: : : password: bahasainggris1

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