ENGIN 211 (Engineering Mathematics) Differential Equation Homework

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ENGIN 211 (Engineering Mathematics) Differential Equation Homework Due date: Oct.

15, 2013 (Tuesday) Problem 1: Solve for current that satisfies the following 1st order differential equation

with the initial condition Problem 2: Solve for current

, and sketch it in a plot as a function of time.

that satisfies the following 2nd-order differential equation

with the initial conditions Problem 3:

, and

, and sketch it in a plot as a function of time.

Use Leibnitz theorem to show that if

, then

Problem 4: Use Leibnitz-Maclaurin method to determine a series solution (to ) for the voltage

with the initial conditions Problem 5:

, and

Use Frobenius method to obtain a series solution for the voltage

that satisfies

with the initial conditions

, and

Problem 6: Solve the following system of 1st-order differential equations. {

where Problem 7:


Solve the following system of 2nd-order differential equations. { where , , , and .

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