Heart Text

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Personal Story

Treatment: Form + Content


Sell us your idea, top to bottom. Think it through. Big idea, Tone, Form + Content, Emotion, Action, Story, Impression

There are several symptoms for a heart attack. Yet no two are the same. Their order and the symptoms themselves change from person to person. Using my experience in mind, the piece will show my symptoms in their order. Fading in from black the letters reveal footage of an angiogram in the background. As time progresses the way the letter are revealed will express how the situation gets worse. With smooth reveals being interrupted by jumps and static.

What does it look like?

Style, Palette, Imagery, Analogy

Grey scale palette. With a heart made out of typography and its fill being angiogram footage. Most of the scenes being zoomed in to words or letters.

What does it move like?

Animation, Camera, Edit, Analogy

Straight cuts from scene to scene. With letters coming in from black. The animation will go from simple fade in to jumpy jittery cuts and distortion. Its goal to express rapid breathing and abnormal heart palpitations.

What does it sound like?

Music, Sound Design, Mood, Tone

Dark somber music interrupted by mechanical sounds as the animation distorts. Maybe add some hospital sounds or heartbeat at the end.(I think it might be overkill)

Reference: Style
Exploring styles for type treatment on heart

Use as many images as you think make sense here... but keep it focused. We should see this and say aha!


The mood

Breakdown: Concept

This should come from your early thinking about the project.

A list of Ideas, tone, motifs, techniques, moods, imagery etc.

Grey Heart typography Dark Edgy Distorted Interrupted Fade

Heart pounding Mechanical Cut out Pumping Intense

Pick one single idea that you think encapsulates the piece.


This is a one-liner that sums up the entire piece

The the progression of a heart attack with type and medical images.

Storyboard: A

These frames need to reflect the finished look AND tell the story of your piece.

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