Math 285 Section 4-4

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4 Nonhomogeneous Equations: The Method of Undetermined Coefficients

Nonhomogeneous Equation: ay + by + cy = f(t) When we have an equation of the form ay + by + cy = Ctm, the solution will be of the form yp(t) = Amtm + Am-1tm-1 + + A2t2 + A1t + A0. with undetermined coefficients Aj. The procedure to solve this involves solving m + 1 linear equations in the m + 1 unknowns A0, A1, , Am and it involves hope that they have a solution. The technique is called the Method of Undetermined Coefficients. The Method of Undetermined Coefficients To find a particular solution to the differential equation ay + by + cy = Ctmert, use the form yp(t) = ts (Amtm + + A1t + A0)ert, with i) ii) iii) s = 0 if r is not a root of the associated auxiliary equation; s = 1 if r is a simple root of the associated auxiliary equation; and s = 2 if r is a double root of the associated auxiliary equation.

To find a particular solution to the differential equation ay + by + cy = Ctmetcost or ay + by + cy = Ctmetsint use the form yp(t) = ts (Amtm + + A1t + A0) etcost + ts (Bmtm + + B1t + B0) etsint with iv) v) s = 0 if + i is not a root of the associated auxiliary equation; and s = 1 if + i is a root of the associated auxiliary equation.

Ex 1 Decide whether or not the method of undetermined coefficients can be applied to find a particular solution of the given equation. a) x + 5x 3x = 3t b) ty y + 2y = sin3t

Ex 2 Find a particular solution to the differential equation. 2z + z = 9e2t

d2y dy 5 + 6 y = xe x Ex 3 Find a particular solution to the differential equation. 2 dx dx

Ex 4 Find a particular solution to the differential equation. 4y + 11y 3y = -2te-3t

Ex 5 Determine the form of a particular solution for the differential equation. (Do not evaluate coefficients.) y + 9y = 4t3sin3t

Ex 6 Use the method of undetermined coefficients to find a particular solution to the given higher-order equation. y + y 2y = tet

4.4 Homework # 1 33 every other odd

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