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Tree Population Study Lab Report Assessment Rubric

Lab Report Parts Points Successful Failing

Name Title Question Hypothesis Safety Concerns Materials Procedure Data Analysis: Tree Data Table Calculation Table

1 1 1 2 1 1 3 10 10

Present As given As given As given As given As given As given

in in in in in in

class class class class class class

Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing Missing Not complete, not accurate, no color coding. Not filled in Missing or incorrect calculations and data. Not filled in. Missing any of the following: key, inches/arrows, color coding of circles, numbers in circles.

Map 25

Bar Graph of Tree Species 15

Bar Graph of Average Circumference Pie Graph of % Composition of Tree Species Data Analysis Questions Conclusion


Complete, accurate, color coded Complete, formulas and calculations accurate, organized from most trees to least trees As close to class map as possible: all trees accounted for and colorcoded, inches on left of circle, arrows on right of circle, key for tree colors present Title, key, x and y axes labeled correctly, good scaling (to see all of the bars), bars organized from most trees to least trees, bars done with ruler, overall neatness As above for the first bar graph Title, key, pie wedges accurate, color coded, % written in/pointing to each pie wedge All questions answered completely based on data (tables, graphs, map) All parts of the R.A.C.E form of the conclusion accounted for and answered completely

Missing any of the requirements and/or sloppy bars

As above Pie wedges not accurate. Missing key, colors, title. Answers missing or incomplete Answers missing or incomplete


10 Total Points 105

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