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Lambda Chapter met on October 7, 2013 at Linda Cauthen's music studio in Lovington. The program was presented by Jim Harris from the Lea County Museum. He gave an interesting overall view of the museum. A number of books were given to lucky members by Mr. Harris. The books were only a few that can be bought at the museum. Mr. Harris' presentation was enjoyed by all. A light meal of Taco Soup, sandwiches and dessert was enjoyed by: Linda Luker, Maribel Martinez, Linda Cauthen, Anne Chaffin, Mary Jean Reese, Cathy Jones, and La Verne Chaffin. The meeting was called to order by President Anne Chaffin. She read a challenge from DKG State President Sherri Williams for the coming year. The September minutes were approved and will be filed. Mary Jean Reese presented the treasurer's report. There is $3503.96 for chapter use. Ten members have paid their dues as of October 7th. Three members, De Alva Blocker, Jo Springer, and Ray Ann Wright, were approved as reserve members. We have ten active members and five reserve members as of now. The treasurer's report was approved and will be filed for audit. New Business was as follows: 1. State Minutes Approval Committee needs someone who will attend Theta State meeting. 2. Chairman Kay Hannum needs someone for the State Finance committee. 3. There is a change on page 4c in the yearbook. Ginny Hill is the new Psi Chapter President and is, also, co-chair for the research committee in charge of scrapbook. Her e-mail is: 4. The IRS form 990 needs to be filed by November 15, 2013. Treasurer Mary Mary Jean Reese filed it in July. The next DKG meeting will be at Ranchers' Restaurant, in Hobbs, November 4, 2013. The time as always is 5:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted, La Verne Chaffin, Secretary

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