Daily News: Kayak Smashed and Kid Killed

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Daily News

Kayak Smashed And Kid Killed

Yesterday At Blue Water Lake a man and his son were kayaking. Then a boat appeared a figure in black took action, ramming the kayak and drowning the son. The father, Joe Stevenson claims: The man in black appeared when they were out of eyeshot from the beach. He then drove his boat into the kayak, It flipped over and left my son stuck under it and he drowned! He declared. The man in black says, the kayak came out of nowhere! I tried to turn around but I was to close and I smashed into it! I jumped in and tried to help but the man pushed me away. Clearly it looks like the man in black was going over the speed limit and made no effort in turning, but Joe was not paying attention to the boat and was hit and injured. The man will go to jail for 9 years for murder as he was found guilty at court. The police eventually found out the man was an assassin and was hired to murder Joe, but failed. The man who hired him is now being tracked down. It was a very very depressing and dark day for us said Joe and Linder Stevenson

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