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Biglow Toy Company

STLOAN PLDG STPM INV Cash surplus/deficit Cost of Bor A/c Receivables A/c Payables

Sep Oct Nov 713.7524 0 0 0 0 0 0 913.7524 611.1836 7.102014 200 -300 -600 53.65994 Sep Oct Nov 700 500 700 800 900 1000 713.7524 <= 713.7524 >= 0 0 <= <= 525 375 0 0 <= <= 800 900 0 -2.4E-12 => => 0 0

Dec 900 0 0 -900 Dec 1200 600




620.6375 0 0 0 0 862.9154 300 1500 Jan 1000 400 Feb 500 500 Mar

1000 400 0 900 <= <= 525 900 0 0 <= <= 1000 600 -3.8E-12 -6.3E-12 => => 0 0

620.6375 0 <= <= 750 375 0 0 <= <= 400 500 -1.9E-11 5.55E-11 => => 0 0

146.3401 => 0


Agri-Chem Corpn Nat Gas Capacity Prodn rate Cons 1500 80% 8 600 90% 10 700 70% 12 200 80% 12 800 70% 7 1500 80% 18 1600 80% 20 1400 60% 14

Products Ammonia Amm Phos Amm Nitrate Urea Hyd Fl Acid Chlorine Caustic Soda Vin Chl Monomer Current Prodn Ammonia Amm Phos Amm Nitrate Urea Hyd Fl Acid Chlorine Caustic Soda Vin Chl Monomer Tot Nat Gas Cons Curtailment % Nat Gas Avail Total Profit Rev Nat Gas Cons

Profit 80 120 140 140 90 70 60 90

Rev Prodn 1200 540 490 160 560 1200 423.2 840

1200 540 490 160 560 1200 1280 840 85680 20% 68544 487192 68544 <= 68544

Limit on Prodn <= 1200 <= 540 <= 490 <= 160 <= 560 <= 1200 <= 1280 <= 840 Changing Cells <Decision Variables> F4:F11 Constraints: Upper Bound for Dec Variables: Left Hand Side F4:F11 (Note as as tha Right Hand Side H4:H11 Natural Gas Consumption Left hand Side B29 Right Hand Side D29

ecision Variables>

Dec Variables: F4:F11 (Note as as that of Decision Variables de H4:H11

Microsoft Excel 14.0 Answer Report Worksheet: [Dec_mod_Class_on_Jan_16, 2012.xlsx]Sheet3 Report Created: 23-01-2012 17:15:45 Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied. Solver Engine Engine: Simplex LP Solution Time: 0 Seconds. Iterations: 8 Subproblems: 0 Solver Options Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0.000001, Use Automatic Scaling Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative

Objective Cell (Max) Cell Name $B$27 Total Profit Profit

Original Value 487192

Final Value 487192

Variable Cells Cell Name $F$4 Ammonia Rev Prodn $F$5 Amm Phos Rev Prodn $F$6 Amm Nitrate Rev Prodn $F$7 Urea Rev Prodn $F$8 Hyd Fl Acid Rev Prodn $F$9 Chlorine Rev Prodn $F$10 Caustic Soda Rev Prodn $F$11 Vin Chl Monomer Rev Prodn

Original Value 1200 540 490 160 560 1200 423.2 840

Final Value 1200 540 490 160 560 1200 423.2 840

Integer Contin Contin Contin Contin Contin Contin Contin Contin

Constraints Cell Name $B$29 Rev Nat Gas Cons Profit $F$4 Ammonia Rev Prodn $F$5 Amm Phos Rev Prodn $F$6 Amm Nitrate Rev Prodn $F$7 Urea Rev Prodn $F$8 Hyd Fl Acid Rev Prodn $F$9 Chlorine Rev Prodn $F$10 Caustic Soda Rev Prodn $F$11 Vin Chl Monomer Rev Prodn

Cell Value 68544 1200 540 490 160 560 1200 423.2 840

Formula $B$29<=$D$29 $F$4<=$H$4 $F$5<=$H$5 $F$6<=$H$6 $F$7<=$H$7 $F$8<=$H$8 $F$9<=$H$9 $F$10<=$H$10 $F$11<=$H$11

Status Binding Binding Binding Binding Binding Binding Binding Not Binding Binding

Slack 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 856.8 0

Microsoft Excel 14.0 Sensitivity Report Worksheet: [Dec_mod_Class_on_Jan_16, 2012.xlsx]Sheet3 Report Created: 23-01-2012 17:15:45

Variable Cells Cell $F$4 $F$5 $F$6 $F$7 $F$8 $F$9 $F$10 $F$11 Name Ammonia Rev Prodn Amm Phos Rev Prodn Amm Nitrate Rev Prodn Urea Rev Prodn Hyd Fl Acid Rev Prodn Chlorine Rev Prodn Caustic Soda Rev Prodn Vin Chl Monomer Rev Prodn Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease 1200 56 80 1E+30 56 540 90 120 1E+30 90 490 104 140 1E+30 104 160 104 140 1E+30 104 560 69 90 1E+30 69 1200 16 70 1E+30 16 423.2 0 60 17.77777778 60 840 48 90 1E+30 48

Constraints Cell Name $B$29 Rev Nat Gas Cons Profit Final Shadow Constraint Value Price R.H. Side 68544 3 68544 Allowable Allowable Increase Decrease 17136 8464


Agri-Chem Corporation Capacity (000 Profit/ton ton/day) 80 1500 120 600 140 700 140 200 90 800 70 1500 60 1600 90 1400 85680 20% 68544 487192 Nat Gas Current Consumpt Level of Prodn Prodn Rate ion 80% 8 1200 90% 10 540 70% 12 490 80% 12 160 70% 7 560 80% 18 1200 80% 20 1280 60% 14 840

Products Ammonia Amm Phosphate Amm Nitrate Urea Hyd Floric Acid Chlorine Caustic soda Vinyl Chloride Monomer Natural Gas Consumption Curtailment % Revised Qty of Nat Gas Available Profit

Ammonia - capacity Amm Phosphate - capacity Amm Nitrate - capacity Urea - capacity Hyd Floric Acid - capacity Chlorine - capacity Caustic soda - capacity Vinyl Chloride Monomer - capacity Nat Gas Cons : Availability

LHS 1200 540 490 160 560 1200 423.2 840 68544

<= <= <= <= <= <= <= <= <=

RHS 1200 540 490 160 560 1200 1280 840 68544

Changing Cells <Decision Variables> I4:I11 Constraints: Left Hand Side B21:B28 for the upper bound on the Gas Consumption and corresponding Right Hand Side : D21:D29

Products Ammonia Amm Phosphate Amm Nitrate Urea Hyd Floric Acid Chlorine Caustic soda Vinyl Chloride Monomer

Qty Produced 1200 540 490 160 560 1200 423.2 840

Cells <Decision Variables>

for the upper bound on the Decision Variables & B29 for Natural

: D21:D29

Microsoft Excel 14.0 Answer Report Worksheet: [Dec_mod_Class_on_Jan_23, 2012.xlsx]Sheet4 Report Created: 24-01-2012 16:51:18 Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied. Solver Engine Engine: Simplex LP Solution Time: 0.016 Seconds. Iterations: 8 Subproblems: 0 Solver Options Max Time Unlimited, Iterations Unlimited, Precision 0.000001 Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 1%, Assume NonNegative

Objective Cell (Max) Cell $B$16 Profit Profit/ton


Original Value 0

Final Value 487192

Variable Cells Cell Name $I$4 Ammonia Qty Produced $I$5 Amm Phosphate Qty Produced $I$6 Amm Nitrate Qty Produced $I$7 Urea Qty Produced $I$8 Hyd Floric Acid Qty Produced $I$9 Chlorine Qty Produced $I$10 Caustic soda Qty Produced $I$11 Vinyl Chloride Monomer Qty Produced

Original Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Final Value 1200 540 490 160 560 1200 423.2 840

Integer Contin Contin Contin Contin Contin Contin Contin Contin

Constraints Cell Name $B$21 Ammonia - capacity LHS $B$22 Amm Phosphate - capacity LHS $B$23 Amm Nitrate - capacity LHS $B$24 Urea - capacity LHS $B$25 Hyd Floric Acid - capacity LHS $B$26 Chlorine - capacity LHS $B$27 Caustic soda - capacity LHS $B$28 Vinyl Chloride Monomer - capacity LHS $B$29 Nat Gas Cons : Availability LHS

Cell Value 1200 540 490 160 560 1200 423.2 840 68544

Formula $B$21<=$D$21 $B$22<=$D$22 $B$23<=$D$23 $B$24<=$D$24 $B$25<=$D$25 $B$26<=$D$26 $B$27<=$D$27 $B$28<=$D$28 $B$29<=$D$29

Status Binding Binding Binding Binding Binding Binding Not Binding Binding Binding

Slack 0 0 0 0 0 0 856.8 0 0

Microsoft Excel 14.0 Sensitivity Report Worksheet: [Dec_mod_Class_on_Jan_23, 2012.xlsx]Sheet4 Report Created: 24-01-2012 16:51:18

Variable Cells Cell $I$4 $I$5 $I$6 $I$7 $I$8 $I$9 $I$10 $I$11 Name Ammonia Qty Produced Amm Phosphate Qty Produced Amm Nitrate Qty Produced Urea Qty Produced Hyd Floric Acid Qty Produced Chlorine Qty Produced Caustic soda Qty Produced Vinyl Chloride Monomer Qty Produced Final Reduced Objective Allowable Value Cost Coefficient Increase 1200 0 80 1E+30 540 0 120 1E+30 490 0 140 1E+30 160 0 140 1E+30 560 0 90 1E+30 1200 0 70 1E+30 423.2 0 60 17.77777778 840 0 90 1E+30

Constraints Cell $B$21 $B$22 $B$23 $B$24 $B$25 $B$26 $B$27 $B$28 $B$29 Name Ammonia - capacity LHS Amm Phosphate - capacity LHS Amm Nitrate - capacity LHS Urea - capacity LHS Hyd Floric Acid - capacity LHS Chlorine - capacity LHS Caustic soda - capacity LHS Vinyl Chloride Monomer - capacity LHS Nat Gas Cons : Availability LHS Final Shadow Constraint Value Price R.H. Side 1200 56 1200 540 90 540 490 104 490 160 104 160 560 69 560 1200 16 1200 423.2 0 1280 840 48 840 68544 3 68544 Allowable Increase 1058 846.4 705.3333333 705.3333333 1209.142857 470.2222222 1E+30 604.5714286 17136

Allowable Decrease 56 90 104 104 69 16 60 48

Allowable Decrease 1200 540 490 160 560 952 856.8 840 8464

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