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1984 Cinematography Establishing shot of explosion. Slowly zooms into explosion. Establishing shot of London. Hand held camera.

amera. High camera angle when the bomb hits which creates danger. Low camera angle which presents the woman as quite powerful.

Editing Main characters on screen for the longest time. The woman is not on screen for a long time More men on screen than women. This highlights men as being more dominant that women in this film. Mise en scene Posters of (propaganda) this communicates to the audience the time period of the movie. Girl is wearing military uniform which presents her as antistereotypical. Young girl is holding a gun which presents her as antistereotypical. Main character is wearing black underneath. Black has negative connotations, which presents the main character as mysterious.

Sound Voice over of the narrator. Describes narrative. War is immediately introduced. Sound of war siren adds to the time period of the film- WW2. Non diegetic soundtrack is positive and happy. Voice over of when the character is writing which allows the audience to listen to his thoughts. Perhaps they suspect me already this dialogue indicates mystery. Voice on the radio could be foreshadowing the main character getting caught by the young girl.

Cul-de-sac Euro London Films-Roman Polonski- psychological thriller-1966 Cinematography Establishing shot shows the isolated location of the dessert. Long shot of man walking away from the car and disappearing which highlights the rural area. Editing Long duration of shots so when quick cuts enter it will shock the audience.

Mise en scene Black car approaching the camera. Black has negative connotations this presents them as dangerous. Guns and weapons are used which presents violence and danger. Broken hand which indicates injury in battle highlighting conflict. Main character is unwashed which suggest a long journey. The main character eats food of the table which suggests that he has been travelling for a long time. The woman is standing with a man, this presents the woman as being very stereotypical.

Sound Non diegetic soundtrack which creates mystery and suspense as it is eerie.

Questions it leaves you thinking What happened before? What is the gun for? Why are they hiding? Who from? Who for? Why are they unprepared? Where are they going now? Why is it so deserted? What corruption do the couple have to this film? Why is he so unclean?

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