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Appendix 1

BIU3013 GENERAL ENGLISH SEMESTER 1 2013/14 SPEECH PRESENTATION MARK SCHEME CONTENT The speech contains a majority of the following : Content structure is well organised and logical with an introduction telling the audience what would happen, a main body and a conclusion Creating an introduction that clearly states the purpose of the presentation Maintaining very relevant points throughout the presentation Providing evidences that are relevant to the topic of presentation The speech contains a majority of the following : Content structure is quite logical with an introduction telling the audience what would happen, a main body and a conclusion Introduction clearly states the purpose of the presentation Maintaining relevant points throughout the presentation

VOICE 5 Voice: Very accurate pronunciation of words with very occasional slips Varying the tone of voice Excellent speed of speech Very clear speech




Pronunciation of words almost always accurate Considerable varying of the tone of voice Good speed of speech Clear speech

Appendix 1

Providing evidences that are relevant to the topic of presentation 3 Voice:


The speech contains a majority of the following : Content structure is somehow logical with an introduction telling the audience what would happen, a main body and a conclusion Introduction states the purpose of the presentation Maintaining quite relevant points throughout the presentation Providing some evidences that are relevant to the topic of presentation The speech contains a majority of the following : Some content structure is somehow logical but not well-organised There is an attempt at providing an introduction to state the purpose of the presentation Some relevant points throughout the presentation Providing some evidences that are relevant to the topic of presentation Content structure is badly organised and illogical

Pronunciation of words largely accurate Some variation in the tone of voice Moderate speed of speech Speech is always clear



Some accurate pronunciation of words Little variation in tone of voice Some stuttering in speech Speech is quite clear


Voice: Very frequent pronunciation errors

Appendix 1

No attempt at providing an introduction to state the purpose of the presentation Very few relevant points throughout the presentation Very few evidences that are relevant to the topic of presentation

Monotonous voice Speaking too fast or too slow Speech is very difficult to understand

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