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Lorenzo Ghiberti : East doors of the Baptistery (Gates of Paradise)1425-52. Bronze and gilded bronze, 186x12.

Filippo Brunellischi: Dome of Florence Cathedral, c. 1420-36.

Fra Angelico : The Annunciation, c. 1440. Museo di San Marco. Florence.

Sandro Botticelli: Primavera (Realm of Venus). c. 1482. Tempera on wood with oil glazes, 68x104. Uffizi Gallery, Florence.

Sandro Boticelli: Birth of Venus. C. 1484-86. Tempera on canvas, 59x92. Uffizi Gallery, Florence.

Donatello: David. 1440s. Bronze with gilded details. 62 . Bargello, Florence.

Jan van Eyck. Arnolfini Wedding. 1434, oil on wood, 32 x 23 . National Gallery, London.

Jan Van Eyck: The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin, 1435, Oil on Panel, 26 in x 24 in, Louvre, Paris.

Matthias Grunewald: Isenheim Altarpiece, 1512-1515, Oil on wood, 9 9 x 3 2 5 x 112 (base). Musee d Unterlinden, Colmar, France .


Leonardo Da Vinci: Last Supper. 1495-98. Oil, tempera and varnish on wall, 14x28 10 . Refectory, Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan.

Leonardo da Vinci: The Virgin and Child with St. Anne, c. 1508, oil on wood 66 in x 44 in, Louvre, Paris.

Michelangelo Buonarotti: David, 1501-4, Marble, height 143. Accademia, Florence.

Michelangelo Buuonarotti: Moses, 1513-1515, marble, 92.5 in, San Pietro in Vincoli, Rome.

Michelangelo Buonarotti: Sistine Chapel Ceiling, 15081512, fresco, 131 x 41. Sistine Chapel,, Vatican, Rome.

Michelangelo: Sonnet with caricature of the artist standing, painting a figure on the ceiling over his head, c. 1510. Pen and ink, 11x7, Casa Buonarotti, Florence.

Raphael: School of Athens, 1509-11. Fresco, Stanza della Signatura, Vatican, Rome.

Raphael. Theology (Disputa), Stanza della Segnatura, Vatican, Rome.

Michelangelo: Rondanini Pieta, 1564, marble, 77in, Castello Sforzesco, Milan.

Michelangelo: The Deposition (Pieta). C, 1547-55. Marble, height 92. Museo dell Opera del Duomo, Florence

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