ISyE 3039 Homework 1 Shi

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3039 Methods for Quality Improvement Fall 2013 Homework 1 Due: Sep 9th
Problem 1: The nine measurements that follow are furnace temperatures recorded on successive batches in a semi-conductor manufacturing process (units are F): 953, 955, 948, 951, 957, 949, 954, 950, and 959. (a) Calculate the sample average. (b) Calculate the sample standard deviation.

Problem 2: A mechatronic assembly is subjected to a final functional test. Suppose that defects occur at random in these assemblies, and that defects occur according to a Poisson distribution with parameter = 0.02 (a) What is the probability that an assembly will have exactly one defect? (b) What is the probability that an assembly will have one or more defects? (c) Suppose that you improve the process so that the occurrence rate of defects is cut in half to =0.01. What effect does this have on the probability that an assembly will have one or more defects? Problem 3 Two parts are assembled as shown in Figure below. Assume that the dimensions x and y are normally distributed with means ! and ! and standard deviations ! = 0.4 and ! = 0.3 respectively. The parts are produced on different machines and are assembled at 280 Chapter 6 I Control Charts for Variables random.

6.40. An x chart wi follows:



Parts for Exercise

(a) If it is desired that the probability of the clearance (i.e., x -y) smaller than 0.09 should be 0.006, (i.e. Pr{(x y) < 0.09} = 0.006) What value of (! ! ) should be specified?

Based on the results (! ! ) obtained in (a), calculate the probability that the smaller clearance is greater than 0.

Problem 4 A lot of size = 25 contains 5 nonconforming units. The testing procedure is if a sample of 6 contains 1 or less nonconforming unit, the lot is accepted. (a). What is the probability of lot acceptance? (b). Calculate the desired probability in (a) using binomial approximation? Is this approximation satisfactory? Why or why not? (c). Suppose the lot size was = 300. Recalculate the probability (a) with binomial approximation? Is this approximation satisfactory? Why or why not?

Problem 5: A student who is trying to write a paper for a course has a choice of two topics, A and B. If topic A is chosen, the student will order two books through interlibrary loan, whereas if topic B is chosen, the student will order four books. The student believes that a good paper necessitates receiving and using at least half the books ordered for either topic chosen. If the probability that a book ordered through interlibrary loan actually arrives in time is 0.9 and books arrive independently of one another, which topic should the student choose to maximize the probability of writing a good paper? What if the arrival probability is only 0.5 instead of 0.9?

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