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system time is not sync to ntpserver

System time is not in sync with ntpserver. (xntpd is out of sync, insane state )
If you used hostnames to designate ntp servers in /etc/ntp.conf this will cause
xntpd to fork a child process on reboot if you are having DNS issues at reboot.

The recommendation is to use an ip address instead of a hostname to designate a ntp server in
1) Stop xntpd using stopsrc and kill the forked xntpd process.
# stopsrc -s xntpd
# ps -efjgrep xntpd
# kill xntpd pid
Recommendation to resolve this issue.
2) # vi /etc/ntp.conf
Change ntp server hostnames to ip addresses
3) # vi /etc/hosts
Add ntp server ip address and hostname
# vi /etc/netsvc.conf
hostslocal,bind4 (if using DNS)
4) Restart xntpd
# stopsrc -s xntpd (If active)
# startsrc -s xntpd

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