Probability I Form 4 - Lesson Plan

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Form Number. of Pupils Date Day Time Subject Topic Sub. Topic : 4 Ummu Sulaim : 30 students : 10th March 2011 : Thursday : 8.20 a.m. - 9.40 a.m. (80 minutes) : Mathematics : 7.0 : 7.1 Probability I Sample Space 7.1a 7.1b 7.1c Learning objectives : Pupils will be taught to i. Understand the concept of sample space. ii. Understand the concept of events. Learning outcomes : At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to 1. Determine whether an outcome is a possible outcome of an experiment. 2. List all the possible outcomes of an experiment : a) from activities, b) by reasoning 3. Determine the sample space of an experiment. 4. Write the sample space by using set notations. 5. Identify the elements of a sample space which satisfy given conditions. 6. List all the elements of a sample space which satisfy certain conditions using set notations. 7. Determine whether an event is possible for a sample space. Possible outcomes of an experiment Listing all possible outcomes Determining sample space

Teaching and learning approaches Cooperative, Mastery and Inquiry learning Previous knowledge : 1. The students have learnt statistics and know how to listing the possible outcomes. 2. The students also have learnt topic set where the students are able to sort given objects or element into a group using description or set notation. Moral values : 1. Cooperation and teamwork in solving a problem 2. Diligence and efficiency in solving problems related 3. Confident and dare to try 4. Grateful and appreciative group of friends 5. Responsible and helpful among the students 6. Confident 7. Careful 8. Courage 9. Trying 10. Focus 11. Memorizing 12. Discuss among the students Vocabulary : Sample space, outcome, experiment and possible outcome. Thinking skills :

1. Generating ideas, 2. Analyzing,

3. Interpret information, 4. Comparing and contrasting 5. Making illustration mental 6. Solving the problems
Integration : Communicating in English

Teaching-learning Resources : 1. Textbook : Mathematics Form 4 2. Reference Book : Exploring Mathematics Form 4 3. MS Power Point Slide Presentation 4. Board game 5. Video 6. Worksheet

Steps / Duration Induction Set (10 minutes)

Content Introduction about the topic 2. 3. 4. 1.

Teaching-Learning Activities Teachers Activities Teacher come into the class and greeting the students. Teacher start the class by revising a previous chapter. Teacher begin a new topic with a story about a money. Then, teacher come out with four different ATM bank cards and show to the student. 5. 6. Teacher put the bank cards into her handbag. After that, teacher pick out one of the cards and show to the students. 7. Teacher ask the students what is the chance she will get the Bank Islam card? 8. Teacher tell the students what is the topic that they will 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Students Activities The students greeting the teacher and have a site. The students take out the exercise book and pay attention the explanation from the teacher. The students answer the question. The students ask the teacher what they are going to learn today. The students take out their textbook and turn to page 181.

Notes Teaching aids : White board, maker, textbook. FPK: Emotional, intellectual. Noble values : Carefully, focus, attention Thinking skills : Making Illustration mental

learn today. 9. Teacher ask the students to take out their textbook and Activity 1 (20 minutes) The concept of possible and impossible outcomes of an experiment 1. turn to page 181. Teacher explain the concept of possible outcomes of an experiment to the student with the example of tossing coin based on the slide. 2. Teacher will tossing a coin and ask the students what are the outcomes that will get. Determine the possible outcome of an experiment 4. 5. 3. Then, teacher divide the students into six group. Every group need to choose one student as a group leader. 4. Every leader of group come to front and take the snake and ladders game from the teacher. (Appendix 1) 6. Teacher ask every group to 5. 3. 2. 1. The students give an attention to the explanation of the teacher about the example of tossing coin based on the slide. The students give an answer to the question given by the teacher. The students move into the six group and choose a leader in their groups. The leader of every group go to the front and take the snake and ladder game from the teacher. Every student take part in playing the game. Inquiry learning, Cooperative learning, Mastery learning Noble values: Cooperation within FPK: Physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual. Teaching aids : Whiteboard, marker, board game, coins, textbook and reference books.

play the game about five minutes. 7. Next, teacher call the students randomly and ask what they need to do to play the game and what are the possible outcomes when they rolling a die. Listing all possible outcomes. 9. 8. Teacher also ask them to list out all the possible of the dice. Teacher give another examples by reasoning problem and discuss with the students. (Appendix 2) 10. Teacher give other example that related to the content. 11. Teacher ask the student what they do not understand and answer the question from the student before teacher go


A few students stand up and answer the question from the teacher.

the group, confidence, teamwork Thinking skills : Generating idea


Next, the students try to listing the possible outcomes and write it on the white board.


The students sit in their groups and focus on the explanation from the teacher.


Students copy the example given and discuss the example with the teacher.

10. The students ask the question to the teacher about the subtopic that they not

Activity 2 (25 minutes)

Determining the sample space of an experiment

1. 2.

through to the next subtopic. Teacher ask the students to sit back at their place. Teacher give an explanation about the definition of sample space and teach how to write the sample space using set notation..

1. 2.

understand. The students sit at their place. Teaching aids : Textbook, reference The students give an attention to the explanation from the teacher. FPK: Physical, emotional, books, worksheet, laptop and LCD.

Writing the sample space using set notation, { }


Teacher pass out the worksheet to the students. (Appendix 3)


The student take the worksheet given and stay in their groups.

intellectual, spiritual. Inquiry learning, Cooperative learning Noble values: Confidence, Trying, Memorizing Thinking skills :


Then, teacher ask the student to watch the video and jot down the information from the video.


The students watch the video carefully and write the information from the video.


Every students will give about 5 minutes to answer all the question on worksheet given.


The students answer all the question in the worksheet.


Teacher ask the students who volunteer to present their answer.


The students present the answer that they get from the video.

Making Illustration mental

7. 8.

Teacher give the correct answer to the student. Next, teacher teach the students how list the possible outcomes of experiment involves more than 2 trials or more than 2 sets of outcomes using the table or tree diagram.


The students jot down the notes and examples from the slides and whiteboard.


The students ask the question to the teacher about the subtopic that they not understand.


Teacher give a few example that relate to the subtopic. (Appendix 4)

10. Teacher ask the student what they do not understand and answer the question from the student. Activity 3 (20 minutes) Evaluation (Strengthening exercise)
1. Teacher distributes the 1. Students taking questions

Teaching aids : Worksheet FPK: Emotional, intellectual.

questions about the sample space. (Appendix 5)

provided by teachers.
2. Students discuss among them

2. Teacher asks students to solve

and solve the exercise that

individually for 20 minutes and the exercises need to be submitted for checking by the teacher. Teacher encourages students to discuss and ask if there is any problem. Closure (5 minutes) Summary and follow-up training 1. Teacher discuss and doing a summary about todays lesson with the students. 2. Teacher ask the students to open their textbook at page 182-186 to do an exercise about sample space. Reflection : To be completed after teaching and learning process. 1.

was given. Noble values: Trying, focus Thinking skills : Solving the Students try to summarize about what they have learn orally and in writing. FPK: Emotional,
2. Students open the textbook

problems Teaching aids : Textbook


and take note about the exercise.

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