Prayer Task

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Prayer as spiritual sacrifice

Every prayer, including prayerful thought, is a spiritual sacrifice to God. People generally cannot think about offering their lives to God as a spiritual sacrifice during every moment of the day. People can develop the important practice of praying the Morning Offering every day, in this way they can offer every moment of the coming day to God. It is important to pray a Morning Offering prayer. This can be a personal expression of offering the day and everything in it to God or one of the many prayers of offering found in Catholic prayer books. For example:

Morning Offering
Lord, I give you today my prayers, thoughts, works and actions that they may be for your glory and for the good of the world.

In Class Work
Find different Morning Offerings from Catholic resources e.g. The Morning Offering of St Therese of Lisieux. Write your own Morning Offerings to suit different occasions that you will encounter as a Year Ten student, for example making decisions about what you will study in Year Eleven and Year Twelve that will enable you to fulfill your vocation. Create prayer cards that can be displayed and used by your class each morning. Plan how you will ensure you make a Morning Offering as a class each day.



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