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Text Human Perspectives

Possible activities from STAWA

Homework Chapter notes and Review questions


Introduction to Human Biological Science overview of course assessment guidelines expectations how to use STAWA Looking Good Working scientifically

Concept map My Body check for misconceptions What questions would I like answered in this unit? Act 1: Body outline and infill

Start Tuesday 29 of October Week 3 term 4


Act 2: Body sections Chap 1 p1-10

Working Scientifically activities from Chapter 1 of HP Do p3 for homework (1A) Do graph and finish activity questions Week 4 term 4

Introduction to human biology p1 and 2 (1A) Activities p 11-14 in human perspectives Caffeine and pulse rate p.130 (1A)

Living and non-living life processes Evidence for life processes Living or dead changing ideas of life and death Body systems general Life processes linked to body systems

Chapter 2
Can look at a variety of living/non-living objects Ethical Debate on when someone can be considered dead (brain death, organ donor )

Act 3: Evidence that I am alive Act 4: Dead or alive? Act 7: Body systems virtual dissection Act 8: The leg bone is connected to the .. Act 9: What systems is that?

P4-p5 Unit 1A
Week 5 Term 4

1A manual p55-62



Text Human Perspectives

Possible activities from STAWA

Homework Chapter notes and Review questions


Body organization Start digestive system

Chap 4
Microscope looking at tissues

Act 40 Microscope introduction Act 7: Body systems virtual dissection Act 19: How a gunshot wound helped understand the function of the stomach Act 20: Digestion
Look at website on digestion

Week 6 Term 4

Input and Output system: Digestion and nutrition Digestive system structure function movement through the system

Chapter 5 p45-54

Test 1: The scientific method, life processes, body organization

Week 7 term 4 Last day is Thursday 29th November

Year 2014 begins here

Respiration and excretion

Lung and kidney dissection

Act 27: Breathing Act 28: What would I do? Act 29: Excretion: Water loss from the skin

Websites Extended Response 1: Investigate disorders due Monday week 7

Circulation structure function Materials transported in blood linking of systems

Chapter 6
Heart dissection Giving blood

Act 24: Blood specialised cells Act 25: Circulation: evidence of blood flow Act 26: Evidence of heart beat

Test 2: On Chapter 5 Input and output system



Text Human Perspectives

Possible activities from STAWA

Homework Chapter notes and Review questions


8 9

Investigation Heart rate Skeleton

Investigation 1: resting heart rate

Chapter 11 and 12

structures functions how it works

Act 10: Major bones of the skeleton Act 11: Observing features of joints Act 12: How flexible are you?



Chapter 11 and 12

Act 13: Muscle mapping Act 14: Muscle movement Act 15: Musclemania Act 16: Muscle endurance

size and location of major muscles function of muscles strength of muscles muscle endurance




Text Human Perspectives

Possible activities from STAWA

Homework Chapter notes and Review questions


1 2

Nervous system overview Nervous system

Only 1 lesson Chapter 8 Act 34: Reaction times Act 35: Hearing tests Act 36: Sight tests Act 37: Colour perception
Test 3: On Chap 6, 11 and 12 Transport Support and Movement Systems Investigation 2: due at the end of the week

senses - range of factors detected, location of receptors nerves, CNS balance The ear The eye

4 5

Investigation 2 Near Point of Vision Tolerance limits respiration and gas exchange regulation of heartbeat other points in text Chapter 7 Act 28: How does it feelto choke on a cheese burger Activities from text book: Breathing rate and exercise

Exams revisions all week

Test 4: communications systems, supplying oxygen, removing Co2



Text Human Perspectives

Possible activities from STAWA

Homework Chapter notes and Review questions


7 8

EXAMS Temperature control Water balance Chap 9 Chap 10 Act 5: When do I shiver or sweat? Act 29: Excretion: Water loss from the skin

No lessons EXAMS EXAMS Only 2 lessons exams finish on Tuesday


Chapter 3

structure functions variations Chapter 14

Act 41: Microscope: Preparing specimens

Microscope activities from textbook Website: Cells Alive!


Pathogens types of pathogens common diseases caused by different pathogens conditions for bacterial growth sources of infection vectors of disease

Act 42: Parasites Act 43: The 5 second rule


Extended response 2 Pathogen and body response

Only 3 lessons finish on Thursday

Wk Content Text Human Perspectives
1 Cells Division and Growth stages chromosomal changes growth and repair rates of mitosis in different body locations DNA and chromosomes

Possible activities from STAWA

Homework Chapter notes and Review questions

Mitosis - microscopic examination of cells
Website: Cells Alive!


Chapter 13

Act 46: Modelling mitosis Act 47: Skin repair rates

Only 3 lessons, start on Tuesday Test 5: On Chap 3 and 14 Cells and protective system

Chap 17

Act 52: Model of DNA Act 51: DNA extraction Act 49: Human karyotypes Act 50: Twins studies

relationship between DNA, genes, chromosomes and cell nucleus role of DNA general structure of DNA Concept of gene

Chromosomal differences between males and females 3 DNA profiling and its uses for identification

Chap 18

paternity immigration criminal offences Chap 15

Act 53: Uses of DNA technology Sources of DNA problems with DNA testing Act 54: Parental testing Act 55: Who did it?

Reproduction and human life cycle

Test 6: On Chap 13, 17 and 18. Cell division, Growth, inheritance, and difference. Investigation 3 due Tuesday week 6.

Health survey in young adults



Text Human Perspectives

Possible activities from STAWA

Homework Chapter notes and Review questions

Label diagrams Web sites


Male and female: sexual dimorphism roles in reproduction different cultural roles gender determination

Chap 16

Act 57: Body measurements Act 56: Growth rates of males and females

Boarder long week end only 3 lessons

Human variation

Chap 19

Test 7: Chap 15 and 16 Male and female reproduction and life cycle

Maintaining Health

Chap 21

Act 18: Food: what why and how much? Act 22: Healthy eating Act 21: Whats in a burger?

Give student extended answer 3

Classification of human species

Chap 20

Extended answer 3 Technology changing life expectancy Due at the end of week


Revision for exams

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