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Gebel ‘Green Growth ocr MEMORANDUM Date: october 2012 Subject Conveyance of ein rave ess “his menor ee with ti of thew of und dig your engagement th th Gleb (Green Grow Inte (GOH) om ane 20120 530 Sepa 20 Acted we comments on ad eis ofall expenses. Stppocing veces ve ee repred rely “The ftowng pois ar reerantin gee + Forse fight egense, the vole smoan is ve fom tt ote ket Hesiei inte te sevice hrge of hve asey. Ay pascal neil exposes oth Wee ese om your ext payment, ‘+All amounts we In KRW unless otlerise specified, Due w the foreign exhuge ra, ome Saal doowpucie may be ound inthe ttl emoue of te pamet + ta ini mner of cases, in eomlice wih GGL Disclosure Poly, he names and ‘tent oni a sera bae ce ope hl fc) ‘Tepspecic dele ae provided in the atch sno and ae prs i he hid pon for oldmce afminunentadon “Minister for Development and Cooperation. Annes Tip psi deta it Det 20.25 ne 2012 oan lo dee, Br (06a invited Me Rasasen a incoming cae 1 join he sgungcrmoy ofthe Agreement on {he Esahlhnen fhe Got Gren Govt Istie adhe Taf Board of Diets Meg or hi puricpatin, esr, icing for is fly exer ad 4 gf kconmadton (adios co fr hs amy ember) were poidel 8) I GGG, Decne of the rege mini sty ding he Hh dena sso an ue oth tng of he ‘ornurntonal Unies Nato statute doedope conic pt a ecrmelaton ‘here pa even hugh his aca stay ws 3 igh, “The payment wat rocesed ea lamp sm fr Me Rasta, Th pron ha bee extael foe 2 peymuntwish nde at fr GOGH a member “Te oun sparton expense covers te peri fom the dy he Chaise in Rio de Jian fr usin otis GUC aces ‘There were no GGOI expenses forte pc he Chal was in Rio de Jao but not dering Wort athe GOL in2 Dit: 2028 August 2012 ‘oe ‘Seoul, Repl o Kea [Norms comment iea Date: 2224 Ouster2012 Locaton: Seoul Repco Korea er snot eens oly he portion nce by Mr Ramses inde ‘Tame Sands ats Loco 20.21 Nveber 2012, Soa Replica Kern 21-22 November 2013, Pai, France Sc-totack ison ps) No spe commer. Tins Date December 2012 een: ota ser Sint tp 1 Rl de ano), bsss fhe oud minim charg ing the igh demand sod of he UNFCCC conference, GOT was edo pay fr Bight of eammodation and 5 aye round enspration Tinzanda Datesand Loewione: 1514 fury 2013, Seoul, Repl of Kowa nt 2013, Abu Daa UAE (bao oss ps) Nospsiecommens mae uses 31 Janay etry 2013 oss: Scout Repalisot Koen Nospecificconmets Tina Toesion: Sel Repti o Koen “The Office ofthe Peet the Repulicof Korea (Cheonvass) invited te Cir a Ms. Rasnstn oreo an tony rd fom he Preset nda skp a2 pei VIP pao ‘he Presiden nagar Coen, “The Koren goverment ove 2 nahe-sccommodaion, god ransportin an sei, ‘Tae GGG covered on | eng saya the se hoe 'm ado, ts] gy provi somplinesay spree fom snes clas ft hae ‘huis classe) fe Me Rass GG pl nly fir he eles Shas ae} eink, No specie uments. ‘in Dates 234 A 2013 ost a nce No specie commen ‘hint Dates 11 Jone 2013, Postion: ‘Seoul, Repblie of Koren No specie came

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