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Business Member


Emirates Towers, Level 34, PO Box 50403, Dubai, UAE Tel.: + 971 4 435 6583, Fax: +971 4 435 6572

Laurent Cathala Vice President Emerging Markets / CEO & Board Member of TCO Damas Associates LLC
Our Mission Statement Tiffany & Co. seeks to enrich the lives of its customers by creating enduring objects of extraordinary beauty that will be cherished for JHQHUDWLRQV 2XU PLVVLRQ LV WR EH UHFRJQL]HG DV WKH ZRUOGV PRVW respected and successful designer, manufacturer and marketer of WKH QHVW MHZHOU\ WLPHSLHFHV VHOHFWHG DFFHVVRULHV DQG WDEOHWRS SURGXFWV 6XFFHVV LQ DFKLHYLQJ RXU RYHUDOO PLVVLRQ LV GHQHG LQ WHUPV RI VSHFLF SURGXFW VHUYLFH DQG VWDNHKROGHU PLVVLRQV Our History 1837: Charles Tiffany opens his store on Sept.18th at 259 Broadway in New York City. 1851: Tiffany instituted the 925/1000 sterling silver standards, later adopted by the US. 1878: The Tiffany Diamond, a 287-carat fancy yellow diamond, cut to 128.54 carats. 1886: Introduction of the celebrated Tiffany Setting diamond engagement ring. 1887: 7LIIDQ\ LV GXEEHG WKH .LQJ RI 'LDPRQGV DIWHU SXUFKDVLQJ the French Crown Jewels. 1902: Louis Comfort Tiffany considered a world leader of the Art Nouveau movement. 1956: Jean Schlumberger, legendary designer, joins Tiffany & Co. 1967: NFL Vince Lombardi Super Bowl Trophy by Tiffany & Co. 1974: (OVD 3HUHWWL ODXQFKHV KHU UVW 2SHQ +HDUW &ROOHFWLRQ 1980: Paloma Picassos debut Tiffany collection is introduced. 2000: Tiffany & Co. Foundation is established. 2004: Frank Gehry establishes a groundbreaking partnership with Tiffany. 2010: Tiffany acquires a trove of rare yellow diamonds. 2012: Tiffany & Co. unveils RUBEDO Metal, an exclusive new jewelers metal.

Laurent Cathala Tiffany & Co. VP Emerging Markets Mr. Cathala joined the company in January 2010 with a remit to manage the companys existing business in key emerging markets, VSHFLFDOO\ WKH 0LGGOH (DVW *XOI &RXQWULHV (DVW &HQWUDO (XURSH Turkey, Africa and India, and to implement Tiffany & Co.s growth strategy within these and critical new markets. A respected executive in the luxury brands industry, Mr. Cathala brings more than 15 years experience to his current role. Prior to his appointment at Tiffany & Co., he was Brand General Manager for Este Lauders MAC Cosmetics in the Middle East and India, during ZKLFK WLPH WKH UHJLRQ JUHZ WR EHFRPH WKH WKLUG PRVW SURWDEOH LQ the world for the brand. Mr. Cathala holds a Baccalaurat B Diploma in Economics from Saint Jean de Bthune School in Versailles, France, and a Masters Degree in Sales, Marketing and International Business from lcole Suprieure de Gestion in Paris.

American Business Council of Dubai & the Northern Emirates - Membership Directory 2013 - 144

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