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Ta Mou zoo

The grade 7 and grade 8 went to Ta Mou zoo. Our unit was about relation ship with animals. We rode on the bus and it took us about one hour. When we arrived, we saw a lot of monkeys. We were afraid of them stealing our snack. The monkey stole Mrs.Deepika chip box. The animals were all stuck in cages except for some monkeys and some deers. It was a very hot day. Everyone was excited. We saw leopards, elephants, pythons, flying squirrels, bears, deers, alligators, birds, sea otters, wild pigs, big monkey and etc. The student wanted to see and learn about the animals very much. The big squirrel was named Blackan. Did u know that a crocodile eats a whole chicken and never get starved in 10 days. Because the crocodile doesnt chew the chicken and it gets digested slowly. One of the monkey had lose its leg and its tail. I felt very sad because the monkey had only one leg and no tail. It was very mean to human. A sun bear can live 20-38 years old. We had tour guides to guide us around the zoo. They were very helpful. Because they tell us the information about the animals. Also a human can go and play with the tiger

because he/she took care of the tiger when it was a baby. So the tiger got use to seeing him/her everyday and became friends. Tiger and human have a relationship together and they play with each other. After we have look at the animals we took a break and had some lunch. Everyone was hungry because of all the walking and of the heat. All of us brought home food. Some of us bought some drinks, ice cream and snack for the way back to school. I have learned something about the animals. You can make understand the animal. friends with a animal if the animal knows you. You have to be friendly to the animal,

By: Avril

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