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Adhyatma Ramayana - 1 Adhyatma Ramayana - 1 Two greatest enemies of the embodied soul are the Ahamkara "Ego" and

Mamakara "Attachment". They two are the Ravana and Kumbhakarna in our body. They are responsible for abducting Mother Sita (Our Buddhi-Intellect). To destroy these two evil demons, we need Rama (The Master of Myself and Everyone else). When I contemplate that Rama is my Master (I am not) my Ahankara (Ravana) is destroyed. When I contemplate that Rama is the master of All (and not me as I believe) my Mamakara (Kumbhakarna) is destroyed. So, Mama Swami Harir Nityam Sarvasya Patireva Cha is that arrow, which destroys Ahamkara and Mamakara. Our Buddhi (Mother Sita) now is joined back with Rama (our eternal companion and true master). This is the Spiritual Ramayana!!!

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