TEST Advanced

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For the questions below, choose the best sentence to complete the conversation. 1. When can we meet again?

When are you free? It was two days ago. Can you help me? 2. My aunt is going to stay with me. How do you do? How long for? How was it? 3. When do you study? at school in the evenings in the library 4. Would you prefer lemonade or orange juice? Have you got anything else? If you like. Are you sure about that? 5. Let's have dinner now. You aren't eating. There aren't any. Tom isn't here yet. 6. The snow was ...... heavily when I left the house. dropping way

landing falling descending 7. I can't find my keys anywhere - I ...... have left them at work. can must ought would 8. When a car pulled out in front of her, Jane did well not to ...... control of her bicycle. miss lose fail drop 9. According to Richard's ...... the train leaves at 7 o'clock. opinion advice knowledge information 10. When you stay in a country for some time you get used to the people's ...... of life. habit custom

system 11. The builders are ...... good progress with the new house. getting doing making taking 12. She is now taking a more positive ...... to her studies and should do well. attitude behaviour manner style 13. My father ...... his new car for two weeks now. has had has is having had 14. What differences are there ...... the English spoken in the UK and the English spoken in the US? among between beside with 15. At 6 p.m. I started to get angry with him because he was late ...... as usual.

in general. typically. usually. 16. ...... you get your father's permission, I'll take you skiing next weekend. Although Provided As Unless 17. A local company has agreed to ...... the school team with football shirts. contribute supply give produce 18. I really enjoy stories that are ...... in the distant future. found set put placed 19. That old saucepan will come in ...... when we go camping. convenient fitting handy suitable

20. Anyone ...... after the start of the play is not allowed in until the interval. arrives has arrived arriving arrived 21. I didn't ...... driving home in the storm so I stayed overnight in a hotel. fancy desire prefer want 22. The judge said that those prepared to...... in crime must be ready to suffer the consequences. involve engage undertake enlist 23. Marianne seemed to take ...... at my comments on her work. annoyance insult offence indignation 24. You should not have a dog if you are not ...... to look after it.

prepared adapted arranged decided 25. The farmhouse was so isolated that they had to generate their own electricity ...... current. supply. grid. power. 4. Napoleon Bonaparte was a _____ general when he became emperor. 34 year 34 years 34 years old 34-year old 5. My brother's daughter is my _____. brother-in-law nephew sister-in-law niece 6. English is not _____. bored boring

boringly bore 7. Do you _____ the radio in the morning? listen hear listen to hear to 8. Do you _____ go to the cinema on weekends? usually use to used to used 9. Who do I _____ you of? resemble remember seem remind 10. _____ is your address? How What Which Why 11. Does your best friend enjoy _____

watching TV? to watch TV? he watches TV? him watching TV? 12. There _____ only 70 euros in my bank account. is are be were 13. There aren't _____ on the table. any water some water any books a book 14. I would like _____ a question. to make making asking to ask 15. What glasses do you want me to bring to the party? The plastic The plastic ones The plastics cups The platics ones

16. He has the same car _____ me. than that like as 17. I don't speak Chinese. And you? I don't speak Chinese either I don't speak Chinese neither I don't speak Chinese too I neither speak Chinese 18. Who's Spanish, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan or Andre Agassi? None are Spanish All of them are Spanish None of them are Spanish Neither of them are Spanish 19. _____ more than ten thousand people in the stadium. There was There were There have There has 20. Who _____ the door? did close close

closed did closed 21. _____ Paris? Do you know Have you ever been to Have you known Did you know 22. Ana _____ to see us _____. is coming / tonight is coming / this nigh will come / this night will come / tonight 23. We're thinking about _____ our house. to sell to selling selling we sell 24. I'm not sure _____. what do they want what they want that they want what they do want 25. It _____ be nice if we _____ more room.

would / have would have / had will / had would / had 26. I haven't lunch at home I don't have lunch at home I haven't got lunch at home I've not lunch at home 27. His parents don't want _____ married. that he gets him get that he get him to get 28. The train _____ ten minutes ago. have arrived arrives arrived has arrived 29. I have been living in Spain for 15 years I lived in Spain since 15 years ago I have lived in Spain since 15 years I have been living in Spain since 15 years

30. I _____ my new shoes last night. have worn wear wore had worn 31. When _____ , _____ let you know. I find out / I'll I'll find out / I'll I find out / I would I'll find out / I 32. Please help me hang the picture _____ the wall. in off next to on 33. Madrid is far _____ Cdiz. away --of from 34. Could you explain _____ us how to conjugate the verb "to be"? at to

for --35. Success is based _____ hard work. in at on from 36. It's hot. Why don't you _____ your coat. put on put off take off put out 37. To admire = to took forward to to look after to look up to look up to 38. To start suddenly (a war, a fight, an epidemic) = to break out to break off to break up to break in 39. To listen to another conversation =

to watch out for to eavesdrop on to listen up to look out for 40. To arrive, to appear (at a meeting, etc.) = to turn over to turn on to turn up to show off 41. To reject (an offer, etc.) = to turn off to turn around to turn in to turn down 42. To remain awake at home until late = to stay up to step up to stay in to stand up 43. Quedarse sin algo = to run out of something to do without something to get rid of something to stay with something

44. Ir al gimnasio = to carry up to carry out to work out to work up 45. Perder el sentido = to pass out to pass away to pass on to pass off 46. !Bscalo (en el diccionario)! = Look at it! Look it up! Look down on it! Watch out for it! 47. Introducing yourself on the phone: "Hey Mike. _____ Jane calling." I'm My name's Is It's 48. Finishing a conversation: "Well, I guess I _____ get going. Talk to you soon."

have rather better later 49. Signalling the close of a meeting: "I'd like to _____ this meeting up now." terminate wind rewind cancel 50. Dealing with interruptions: "_____ on. We'll get to you next." Just Keep Hold Take

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