HCPG Stakeholder Analysis

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Highworth Community Partnership Group

MAINTAIN COMMUNICATION Chips Angling Club Amateur Swimming Club Bellringing Netball Bowls Club Ballroom Dancing Roller Hockey Club Cycling Club Running Club Vale of White Horse Gliding Club Bridge Club Thursday Club Camera Club Badminton Club Canoe Club Busy Bee Stroke Club Tea Dancing Tuesday Club Choral Society Poetry Reading Club Luncheon Club Christmas Child HADs Allotment Association Wine Circle Weight Watchers Film Society Creative Writing Group Drama Workshop Cricket Club Silver Threads Craft Group Scrabble Club Morris Dancing Silver Band Methodist Sisterhood Pub Watch Whitehorse Club Amateur Tennis Club Artist Club Wine Circle Round Table ACT Jam Club Neighbourhood Watch Discover Lions Club Community First Lighthouse Bookshop Police Highworth Youth Centre U3A Scouts Community Link Magazine WWI (Afternoon) British Legion Childrens Society

Stakeholder Analysis
KEEP ENGAGED THROUGHOUT Schools REC Pentylands Group Swindon Borough Council Highworth Town Council Business Connects Local Press & Media Doctors Other Parish Councils Community Church Football Clubs Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce Wrag Barn Golf Club Brownies White Cross Club Library Rambling Club Historical Society WWI (Womans) Neighbourhood Warden Service

KEEP INVOLVED WHERE ASSISTANCE REQUIRED Charles Market Club Swindon Borough Council Youth Services Children Services Planning North Wilts Rotary Festival of Highworth Highworth Market Traders

KEEP INFORMED Twinning Association Local MPs Honda Supermarine Local Co-op Local Shops Older Peoples Groups Probus Club Age Concern One Day Club Floral Arts Society

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