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CROSS CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING ANNA AND THE KING Members : Dwi Satriyo Eva Reftiana Milda Nuramalina Ahfis

hfis Yosep Prasetio

1. Norm, attitudes and values: Thailand : A notable social norm holds that touching someone on the head may be considered rude. It is also considered rude to place one's feet at a level above someone else's head, especially if that person is of higher social standing. This is because the Thai people consider the foot to be the dirtiest and lowliest part of the body, and the head the most respected and highest part of the body. This also influences how Thais sit when on the ground their feet always pointing away from others, tucked to the side or behind them. Pointing at or touching something with the feet is also considered rude . Asking privacy is very polite . King powers everything like God. . In Siam,Asia, An honored guest called by Sir. No matter the gender. England : . Asking privacy is very Impolite . King is a head of a Kingdom like president. . People call person depends on the gender, e.g: Mr or Mrs.

2. Religion beliefs Thailand : Thailand is a stronghold of Buddhism. Buddhists believe that life does not begin with birth and end with death, but rather that every person has several lives based upon the lessons of life not yet learned and acts committed (karma) in previous lives.

England The major religious traditions are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism, and Buddhism. In recent decades, so-called pagan or cult religions have included Wicca, shamanism, heathenism, druidry, goddess religion, the Unification Church, and Transcendental Meditation. 3. Uniform: In Bangkok, they usually wear a long-straight cloth (selendang) and showing their simplicity in daily life .. But in England, they more complicated cloth, neat and showing their prestige ..

4. Table manners: Table manners in England o If you help your host to lay the table, you put the fork face up on the left of the plate. o If there are many knives or forks on the table when you start eating, you must use the knife or fork that is the farthest away from your plate. o When eating toast and marmalade for breakfast, you must eat the toast, then drink your coffee. o When drinking, it is rude to drink noisily. o When sitting at the table and waiting for your meal, you put your hands under the table on your lap.

Table manners in Thai (Asia) Not all of Asian people use fork and spoon when they eating, only for noble people. sometimes use chopstick never using your fork as a spoon and tipping your soup bowl away from you, well throw that all out the kitchen window, Thai table manners are more practical and mostly aimed at civil communal eating. Many mannerisms go back to a previous era when meals were collectively shared; food was the most important gift and gratefully received

5. Architeture: Architecture of England English architecture begins with the architecture of the Anglo-Saxons at least fifty surviving English churches are of Anglo-Saxon origin, although in some cases the Anglo-Saxon part is small and much-altered. All except one timber church are built of stone or brick, and in some cases show evidence of reused Roman work Architecture of Thailand The architecture of Thailand is a major part of the country's rich cultural legacy and reflects both the challenges of living in Thailand's sometimes extreme climate as well as, historically, the importance of architecture to the Thai people's sense of community and religious beliefs. Influenced by the architectural traditions of many of Thailand's neighbors, it has also developed significant regional variation within its vernacular and religious buildings. 6. Symbolism: Symbolism in Thailand: The most potent national symbols are the king and images associated with Buddhism. Showing disrespect for the king is a serious legal offense. Images of the Buddha and shrines are found in public buildings (including schools and government offices) and homes as well as temples. Symbolism in England: The English flag is a red cross on a white background, commonly called the Cross of Saint George. It was adopted after the Crusades. Saint George, later famed as a dragon-slayer, is also the patron saint of England. 7. Language: Language of England: English people traditionally speak the English language, a member of the West Germanic language family. Language of Thailand: The Thai language is comprised of 44 consonants, 32 vowels and five tones in Thai pronunciation, along with a script that has Indian origins. The Thai language, belonging to the Tai family, is the main language in Thailand although there are several regional dialects as well

8. Celebration: Most celebrations are associated with the Buddhism or other religions. But in England is mostly according to seasons-changes celebration, like harvest festival etc.

9. Family Life In Asian People for example in thailand, they have a big family , having many wife and children is the habit/tradition. But in england, it doesnt happen.

10. The Arts Traditional Thai art is primarily composed of Buddhist art. Traditional Thai sculpture almost exclusively depicts images of the Buddha. Traditional Thai paintings usually consist of book illustrations, and painted ornamentation of buildings such as palaces and temples. And then for England art is primarily composed of building old.


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