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Lesson Plan School: coala Gimnazial Nr.

13 Teacher: Mazuch Blanka Class: 3rd C Date: 17th September Duration: 50 minutes Year of study: 1st Number of classes/Week: 2 Skills: speaking, writing, listening Lesson: lesson of revision Objectives: O1 To revise the alphabet; O2 To practice the pronunciation of the sounds from the alphabet; O3 To associate the letters of the alphabet with some familiar words; O4 To create short sentences for familiar contexts. Vocabulary: familiar words related to the letter of the alphabet Techniques: conversation, song, PowerPoint presentation, brainstorming Classroom management: frontal, individual Materials: whiteboard, marker, laptop, textbook

Lesson stage Warm up


Activities - T greets students. - T asks questions: Who is absent today? How are you today? Are you ready for the lesson? - Students answer. -The teacher writes on the whiteboard the title of the lesson telling the students what the lesson will be about. -The teacher asks students some questions: Do you know the English alphabet? Is it the same with the Romanian alphabet? -The teacher may choose some students that know the alphabet to say the letters. -The teacher shows students a PowerPoint presentation that contains each letter of the alphabet accompanied by a word (the words are the same with those from the textbook, pages 2-5). Before showing them the word for each letter, teacher asks the students to pronounce the sound and to tell words that begin with that letter. -After the presentation, teacher asks some students to make sentences that contain words that begin with a specific letter. -The teacher sings with the students the ABC song. - The students are evaluated orally throughout the whole lesson and the students who are active are given points. The assignment is to write 5 words with the letter E and to draw them.

Techniques Conversation

Means of instruction

Types of interaction frontal

Time 3

Introducing the new lesson 01 New lesson 01, 02, 03 04 Evaluation and home assignment

Explanation, conversation



Song, brainstormming

PowerPoint presentation



3 Explanation Frontal 5

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