N.3. Organic Theory

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Organic theory Leslie Stephen and Herbert Spencer states that the relation between individual and society is organic and not mechanical. The individuals belonging to the society are interdependent among themselves and in turn to the society. Hence, individuals can not exist without a society and the society cannot exist without individuals. Social process and social rules and regulations, norms and values are organic in nature, forever changing and forever evolving. Just like living organisms, social cultures also pass through stages of birth, growth, maturity and decay. Though society resembles a living organism in many respects, an individual is not controlled by the society in many areas. An individual has his independent existence and his actions are guided by his free will. His menal faculties can never be controlled or guided by society. Though social values and ethics may, compell a man to think and evaluate them, his own free will guide him in choosing his moral standarda and ethical behaviour. Though difficult a man can live without the society like a cell which cannot hire apart from living organism. A man living without a society can still be ethical and practise high moral conduct. Moreover, unlike an organism which decays a society may just change and transform itself rather than decaying. N.4. Idealistic or Group-Mind Theory Propounded by many philosophers including Plato, this theory states the relation between society and individual as spiritual. A man living outside society can not strive for and attain excellence. Without society a man cannot develop his moral character or ethical value system. Without society, he can not be termed as a complete man, and remains only as a fragment of humanity. This group mind theory can be accepted only as metaphore, since it is difficult to practically apply this theory in relation to social culture and individual ethics. Perhaps it is important to keep in mind the saying of Gilbert who stated that social values are in the last resort to personal values. It is understood and accepted that the value system and the moral standards of the society affects the value system and moral standards of the individuals of the society and the value system of the individuals make up the moral standards of the society. The culture of a perticular society is intimately linked to the individual ethical value of the people in society. Some cultures consider certain acts to be highly unethical while some cultures may accept these acts to be highly ethical. However, these are certain immoral acts which are universally condemned as unethical irrespective of the culture involved.

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