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TOYO ITO Toyo Ito nace en 1941.

Tras graduarse de la Universidad de Tokio, en el Departamento de Arquitectura en 1965, trabaja para el arquitecto Metabolista Kiyonori Kikutake hasta 1969. En 1971 funda su propio despacho, Urban Robot (URBOT), que pasa a llamarse Toyo Ito & Associates Architects en 1979. Ha trabajado en proyectos pblicos y privados en Japn y en el extranjero. La Mediateca de Sendai, construida en 2001 es una de sus obras ms representativas y tiene gran influencia en las jvenes generaciones de arquitectos de todo el mundo. Muchos de sus proyectos terminados han sido galardonados con premios nacionales e internacionales. Recibi el Len de Oro a la Trayectoria en 8 Muestra Internacional de Arquitectura de la Bienal de Venecia en 2002, la Medalla de Oro Real del Royal Institute of British Architects en 2006 y el Premio Pritzker de Arquitectura en 2013. Su trabajo ha sido publicado y expuesto ampliamente en todo el mundo. Ha dado clase en varias universidades tales como la Universidad de Columbia, UCLA y la Universidad de Kyoto como profesor visitante.

Toyo Ito was born in 1941. After graduating from the University of Tokyo, Department of Architecture in 1965, he worked for the Metabolist architect Kiyonori Kikutake until 1969. In 1971 he founded his own office, Urban Robot (URBOT), which was renamed Toyo Ito & Associates, Architects in 1979. He has been working on various public and private projects in Japan as well as overseas. Sendai Mediatheque built in 2001 is one of the most representative works and has been giving great influence to young generation architects worldwide. Many of his completed projects have been awarded national and international honors. He received the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement from the 8th International Architecture Exhibition at the Venice Biennale in 2002, the Royal Gold Medal from the Royal Institute of British Architects in 2006 and the Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2013. His work has been published and exhibited extensively worldwide. He has taught at several universities including Columbia University, UCLA and Kyoto University as a Visiting Lecturer.

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