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Age of Revolutions

How to write a Sentence Outline

Goal of Assignment
To synthesize information you have learned about the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions To Understand how to gather information from readings and class and organize into an outline To write a sentence outline that will be useful to writing an essay

Step One: Deciding on an Essay Topic

Read through each essay topic Brainstorm (Actively THINK) what topics might fit in with each essay topic; you might go back to the readings as you are doing this Choose an essay topic that you understand and feel comfortable answering; you should change your topic if it becomes clear that you are having trouble finding evidence and developing a thesis

Step Two: Identify parts of the essay

Looking at your chosen essay topic, identify what categories might fit into this essay Essay topic: To what extent were the main political and social grievances of the revolutions addressed by the corresponding constitutions? Categories: political representation, equality

Step Three: Finding Evidence

Political Representation: American Revolution
Colonists with property elected representatives to local legislatures but governors appointed by British crown (Part One Choices- p. 4) Colonists had same rights as other Englishman but didnt have voice in Parliament- Parliament had final say over taxation (Part One Choice- p. 4) Locke- Social contract (Part One Choices- p. 4) Colonial legislatures and towns declared the taxes to be unconstitutional. (Part Two Choices p. 9)

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