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The Academy for Technology & the Classics Lesson Plan Instructors name: Cermanski Course/Grade: Visual Arts

I Week of: Monday, October 21 to Tuesday, October 29 Unit Name: Minimally Realistic Bird Mixed Media Pieces

Common Core/ NM Content Standards: NMVA 1, 4, 5

Essential Question(s): How do artists find inspiration?

How can I represent a bird abstractly? How do artists use strong design and color use to create an outstanding painting?

Connections (prior learning/prior knowledge): Students are familiar with birds and abstract paintings.

What is mixed media and how can I use it effectively? Other considerations (modifications, accommodations, acceleration, etc.): Students who are struggling will get more one-on-one assistance Students who are advanced will get the opportunity to make multiple pieces in different media

Resources/Materials Teacher: Art work of Charley Harper Students: Cardstock, construction paper, glue sticks and Elmers glue, sharpies, white charcoal pencils

Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?) Daily: Progression on bird paintings This Week: Partially completed bird painting Unit: Completed bird painting Time allotted MONDAY 10/21 Learning Target-TSW learn about the artwork of Charley Harper, and how to create a sketch for a minimally realistic bird painting. TSW know this when his/her sketch leaves out some details of the bird and habitat. Lesson activities for instructor and students I. Do NowLook at the slideshow of the work of Charley Harper. Quietly answer the questions on the handout. II. Read handout/intro about Charley Harper III. Look at slideshow once. Then have students share answers to questions.

IV. V.

TUESDAY 10/22 Learning Target-TSW learn how to incorporate peer feedback to make a strong and balanced design. TSW know this when his/her piece looks balanced after turning it on each side. WEDNESDAY 10/23 Learning Target- Learning Target-TSW learn how to incorporate feedback about color from peers. TSW know this when he/she makes one adjustment to color based on peer feedback.

VI. I.


Read project description Demonstrate projectShow how students will pick images of birds from Natl geographic and then do a sketch of bird. Demonstrate sketching out bird, cutting out bird and fine details with paper. Demo how to use white charcoal and/or sharpies to add fine lines with RULERS! Add other elements from birds natural habitat (will likely be in National Geographic photos) into sketch Show me and then start on final piece Do NowShow your bird piece to the person sitting next to you. Give feedback to each other about balance. What is strong and what could be improved? Continue on bird pieces.

Do NowShow your portrait to someone sitting next to you. What feedback can you give about color? Whats working well? What could be improved? Continue on bird pieces

THURSDAY 10/24 Learning TargetTSW learn how to incorporate feedback from peers in regards to craftsmanship. TSW know this when he/she improves at least one aspect of his/her craftsmanship.

Do Now-- Show your portrait to someone sitting

next to you. What feedback can you give about craftsmanship? Whats neatly and carefully done? What could be improved in terms of craftsmanship? --Brief intro to David Rudolph

Continue on bird pieces FRIDAY 10/25 Visiting artist: David Rudolph! Learning TargetTSW learn how to make Make sure your wood sculpture is balanced so that an abstract wood sculpture that is balanced. your piece can stand on its own. TSW know this when his/her sculpture can stand on its own. MONDAY 10/28 Do NowWhat did you think about David Learning TargetTSW learn how to refine Rudolphs work and lesson? his/her sculpture to be make it unified. Do NowIs your sculpture unified? Do all the He/she will know this when all elements of pieces seem to fit together and make a whole? If

the sculpture seem to go together.

not, today make adjustments. Finish wood sculptures or continue on bird pieces

TUESDAY 10/29 Learning TargetTSW learn how to refine his/her bird painting to be sure it is balanced in color. TSW know this when his/her piece can be turned on each side and looks balanced in terms of color.

Do NowIs your piece balanced in terms of color? Turn it on each side and check. If not, adjust colors today. Final day to work on bird pieces.

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