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Chapter Assessment

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Section 4.1 Study Guide

Section 4.1 Main Ideas

A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a specific chemical composition and a definite crystalline structure. There are at least 3000 known minerals in Earths crust. A crystal is a solid in which the atoms are arranged in repeating patterns. The six main crystal systems are cubic, tetragonal, hexagonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic. Minerals form from magma or from supersaturated solution. Most minerals are formed from the eight most common elements in Earths crust.

Section 4.1 Study Guide

Section 4.1 Main Ideas

Oxygen readily combines with other elements to form a diverse group of minerals, including silicates, carbonates, and oxides. A silica tetrahedron is a three-dimensional shape structured like a pyramid. In a silica tetrahedron one silicon atom attaches to four oxygen atoms. Other major mineral groups include sulfides, sulfates, halides, and native elements. Native elements such as silver or copper are made of one element only.

Section 4.2 Study Guide

Section 4.2 Main Ideas

Minerals can be identified based on their physical and chemical properties. The most reliable way to identify a mineral is by using a combination of several tests. A minerals color is generally the result of trace elements within the mineral. Texture describes how a mineral feels, and luster describes how a mineral reflects light. Cleavage and fracture describe how minerals break. A minerals streak, hardness, and density are reliable methods of identification. Special properties of minerals such as magnetism also can be used for identification purposes.

Section 4.2 Study Guide

Section 4.2 Main Ideas

An ore contains a useful substance that can be mined at a profit. If the cost of mining the ore becomes higher than the value of the ore, then the mineral is no longer classified as an ore. The classification of a mineral as an ore may also change if the supply of or demand for the mineral changes. Gems are valuable minerals that are prized for their rarity and beauty. Trace elements can make one variety of a mineral more valuable than other varieties of the same mineral.

Chapter Assessment

Multiple Choice
1. What special property can be used to help identify the mineral sphalerite? a. It fizzles when it comes in contact with HCl. b. It exhibits double refraction. c. A rotten-egg odor is produced during a streak test. d. It is naturally magnetic.
Calcite reacts with HCl. Iceland spar and zircon exhibit double refraction when light is passed through them. Magnetite is naturally magnetic.

Chapter Assessment

Multiple Choice
2. A mineral with a metallic luster could be described as ___. a. silky b. shiny c. pearly d. waxy

Silky, pearly, and waxy can all be used to describe nonmetallic luster.

Chapter Assessment

Multiple Choice
3. Which ore is a source of iron? a. bauxite b. rutile c. zircon d. hematite

Bauxite is an aluminum ore. The ore rutile is a source of titanium. Zircon contains no iron.

Chapter Assessment

Multiple Choice
4. A silica tetrahedron contains ___ oxygen atoms. a. one b. two c. three d. four

A silica tetrahedron is made up of one silicon atom bonded to four oxygen atoms.

Chapter Assessment

Multiple Choice
5. Which of the following is an example of native element mineral? a. halite b. pyrite c. copper d. anhydrite

A native element mineral is made up of only one element. Halite (NaCl), pyrite (FeS2), and anhydrite (CaSO4) all contain more than one element.

Chapter Assessment

Short Answer
6. Why are crystals that form in well-defined shaped fairly rare? Most crystals form in restricted space.

Chapter Assessment

Short Answer
7. What are the characteristics of minerals? To be a mineral, a material must be a naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a specific chemical composition, and a definite crystalline structure.

Chapter Assessment

True or False
8. Identify whether the following statements are true or false.
______ true About 90 known elements occur naturally in Earths crust.

______ false Oxides are compounds of oxygen and another gas.

______ false Pyrite has a hexagonal crystal system. ______ true Ores must be mined at a profit. ______ true Rubies are more valuable than diamonds.

Image Bank

Chapter 4 Images
Tetragonal Orthorhombic Triclinic




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