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Super Doctor EXTENDED 18 Articles To Take You To The Next Level

Super Doctor EXTENDED 18 Articles To Take You To The Next Level

1. Memento Mori How Can Death Help You?

This post may be uncomfortable for some. If youre mourning or had an extreme accident where you couldve died I wouldnt necessary suggest reading this. Otherwise, this could open you eyes in a very enlightening way. I have the above picture on my wall. Its staring right at me. I see it every day and when I relax at my desk I see it. It gets me thinking is it coming after me? How much time do I have left? Or even tougher questions is what Im doing fulfilling me? Would I do something different if Id die in 1,6 or 12 months?Am I being wise with the little time I have left here? Next to it lies a graphic table. Courtesy to Nate Green, I printed it out and filled it out. Every Sunday, when I look back at what Ive accomplished that week I fill out another little square. One more week away. Thats 7 days Ill never recover. Did I spend it well? Have I been happy? Did I go after what I want? Did I tackle my fears, did I work on my dreams? Death is the biggest fear of them all (besides the no #1 social fear, public speaking). Behind every fear you have is death. Its lurking behind every one of them and its compromising on your quality of life if you let it. Death is THE ONLY reference point worth having in life . Its funny how THE ONLY certainty in life is ignored by the whole society and every living being. I love it because it gives me a sense of real urgency. Theres no time to fool around. Theres no time to waste - time becomes the scarcest resource. There isnt any excuse left to NOT do what I want to do. I have to do as many things possible in a short time span because you never know when this journey ends. This following video is portraying exactly what Im saying in a pretty funny way. What about treating patients? Well, we should put death in perspective to see what options they have and make the most out of life. I think it would GREATLY help us in knowing 2

Super Doctor EXTENDED 18 Articles To Take You To The Next Level

that whatever help we provide is NOT permanent and the only thing we can do is provide comfort, care and compassion. We can be emotionally vulnerable without fear of permanently affecting us and we can encourage the patient to take hold of his life and maximize it. About your personal life, you cant realize how empowering and liberating this can be. Fears dissolve in the face of the ultimate perspective that we all fade away sooner or later. We get a sense of urgency to live to the fullest pursuing our dreams, loving without restrain and enjoying every little moment as it is. Life becomes a blessing, a gift that we can enjoy even greater now. Theres another big question that needs to be asked is death really the end? Of course, our bodies die and we leave this physical world. But is it really the end of ourselves, as spiritual beings? Is there nothing beyond it? Is it truly the BIG end? Everyone has his answers and his own beliefs, religious or not. I think that were on a journey here and its only a part of a bigger whole.

Remembering that Ill be dead soon is the most important tool Ive ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life Because almost everything all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. -Steve Jobs, 2005 Stanford Commencement (the online speech is here)

Super Doctor EXTENDED 18 Articles To Take You To The Next Level

2. Saving Lives Myth or Reality?

The art of medicine consists in amusing the patient while nature cures the disease. -Voltaire We all want to live a life like in the movies. Wham, bam, action everywhere, where the hero (I mean YOU), with a spark of effort and brilliance, saves another mans life. The hero feels very good about himself and we live to tell another legendary story. Then the celebration starts, everybody gets drunk and forgets all about it. Is it like that in reality? (except the drinking part, we all know how that goes) Well, one day I had this dilemma about how medicine REALLY saves lives. Not to mention that only recently I came to the conclusion that medicine REALLY helps people, saving lives is a bit more complex concept and its not really how we portray it. Sure, it helps with motivation, with keeping our identity as saviors and giving us fulfillment. But saving lives is a bit more complex concept and its not really how we portray it. There are only a few exceptions where you can truly say I saved somebodys life. Thats in a crisis where you are dispatched to the situation and have the duty to do everything in your power to save the suffering. Also, maybe theres nobody with your skills around (like Africa, Tibet and other remote areas) or maybe youre in a conflict zone (wars, civil wars, riots, etc). So truthfully, there are only a handful of medical specialties that can say I save lives. And to detail this concept even further, they save lives in that moment because, eventually, we all die. So its not that permanent as we like to think it is. (sorry for your ego, guys!) These medical specialties may be emergency medicine, intensive care, emergency surgery (or any surgical specialty which involves emergencies), being a military doctor on the field, treating emergency patients in a remote area, convincing somebody not to commit suicide, etc. Notice that they all float around the concept emergency. 4

Super Doctor EXTENDED 18 Articles To Take You To The Next Level

So what about the rest of them? Well, some handle statistics and studies (research, epidemiology, statistical medicine, etc), some handle creating projects and administrative care (public health, management). And the rest? Well, the rest are more conservative they IMPROVE LIFE QUALITY. Thats right. Whatever youre doing, you improve the quality of the patients life. Thats because, if you have a decent perspective and consider death in the long term , all you can do is get the best out of life. Improve the patients quality so that he enjoys what is left of it even if that means, 2, 5, 10 or 50 years. Disease generally begins that equality which death completes. -Samuel Johnson Ill say it again the purpose of most medical specialties is to IMPROVE LIFE QUALITY. Im sorry for all those Rambos, wannabe-heroes and actions freaks out there. Diseases have changed over the centuries and so has medicine, accordingly. We have less emergencies and more chronic diseases. Our goal became to further the life expectancy while dealing with the chronic diseases and maintaining a high quality of life. Now, this has two sides to it. Improving lifes quality depends on us and depends on the patients too. What do I mean by that? We can be the technicians that we trained so much for. We can perform surgery or many medical acts on a patient to help him. We do our job well (hopefully and without incidents) and the patient is happier because he can enjoy his life more. But then again comes a favorite part of mine. The patients' responsibility empowering patients to take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for their own health and wellbeing. Encouraging and helping them to change habits that promote illness and empower implementing healthy habits a very enriching nutrition, fun and active exercise, creating a rewarding professional and a loving social life. There are so many parts in a human beings life that influence his health including those invisible things like emotions, which spur from everything friends, love life, work, hobbies, vacations (or lack of them), money (or lack of it) and so on. I believe the ideal approach would be to combine these two treating the existing, chronic diseases with all our medical and technical knowledge. Meanwhile, it is our responsibility to promote the habits of a healthy, well life to those who are already ill and to whose who are still healthy. (even from an early age or maybe ESPECIALLY from an early age)

Super Doctor EXTENDED 18 Articles To Take You To The Next Level

To talk about balance, its easier to talk about whats out of balance. And I think anytime that you have any disease, and disease meaning lack of ease, lack of flow dis-ease. So any time theres disease, youre out of balance, whether its jealousy, anger, greed, anxiety, fear. -Ricky Williams Whats your take on this? How do you see healthcare and how do you see the concept of saving lives? What do you intend to do to help your patients?

3. We Are All The Same Even YOU!

Ubuntu is an african word expressing a special philosophy . It means I am me because of you also. It culminates with the idea that we all are one and that we intimately influence each other, even in ways that we dont feel. I wrote this in the last article that we influence each other very intimately. 6

Super Doctor EXTENDED 18 Articles To Take You To The Next Level

Two months ago I was in the hospital, while checking out on patients. There was this old granny that got checked in the night before. She was moaning and cursing. Someone had to change her diapers because she was helpless and incontinent. I just watched while moving and holding her (because she couldnt move) while one of my colleagues changed her underwear and made an anal exam. I couldnt do anything but feel the smell, the tension in the room, the anguish and shame. I stayed near the old lady and wholly felt her feelings. I had to be tough because otherwise I wouldve broken into tears. Her moaning, her scream, her desperation got the better of me. I was very compassionate and couldnt stop myself asking What if it were me? That day I concluded that I wouldnt do a clinical specialization. I still play with the possibility but the impact was very strong on me. Sure, Ive seen suffering patients but I havent REALLY concentrated on their pain and distress. I wouldve detached myself and toughen up. When I softened I had this flood of emotions pouring in. We are all the same. Its true with animals. Its true with elders, children, criminals, people on the street, politicians and doctors. Its true with Africans, South Americans, Europeans, Australians, Americans and Asians. Anything that has a beating heart and a consciousness has the same needs and same fears. We all want comfort. We want to have food, a home to live in, security and love. We all want to be happy, fulfilled, loved, accepted and contribute back to society. We all fear death, insecurity, uncertainty, and rejection. We all have a beating heart, a thinking brain (there are some exceptions here) and seek pleasure. We run from pain and want to get together with other people. We all have survival and sexual instincts. We all have very similar wants and needs, fears and pains. Interesting, isnt it? We are all the same.

Super Doctor EXTENDED 18 Articles To Take You To The Next Level

When you focus on the commonalities you gain a greater understanding, a more compassionate vision and access your inner humanity. You act from a place of cooperation and love. We become a team rather than foes or competitors. When you focus on the commonalities, there is no enemy, killing or stealing. When you focus on the commonalities, boundaries disappear. We remind ourselves that we are one and a flood of love, endorphins and peace overwhelms us. Life becomes a place in heaven rather than a struggle and the Universe becomes a friendly, loving place to live in. When you focus on the differences you separate yourself from the whole. You become selfish, afraid and stiff. You act from a place of lack, of scarce resources emotional and physical. You give less and receive even less. Life becomes a race to become the best and survive the obstacles that seem to come from everywhere. The Universe seems to conspire against you and everyone is jealous, mean and anxious. Hatred and fear take the place of love and compassion. Pleasures are fleeting and anxiety is the constant feeling throughout the day. We all are one. Its all in our heads. Both realities exist and its only us who choose between them. Its up to us on deciding how we see things. How would you practice medicine if you came from a place of love, compassion and unity with the other beings you encounter? How would you feel, act and think? How powerful do you think you could be as a doctor (as a SUPER-DOCTOR) and how might your patients react?

Super Doctor EXTENDED 18 Articles To Take You To The Next Level

How about your personal life? What level of connection would you experience, day by day, if you would be connected to this sense of connectedness? How happy and fulfilled would you be as a person? I URGE YOU please think about. Is it really true? Is it just a problem of perception and have we forgotten this sacred truth all along?! (this is a great video about the topic) We are one. And we are slowly realizing it.

4. Explosive Motivation Finding Your WHY

Half of year ago I was reading an extraordinary book Start with Why by Simon Sinek. It took my brain, shook it from left to right for about 5 minutes, threw it out the window and then jumped on it even more. Thats how big of an impact it had on me. The big realization that I had was that it doesnt matter WHAT you do it only matters WHY. Your personal WHY will determine the quality of your work, your passion and determination, your fulfillment and happiness NO MATTER WHAT IT IS THAT YOU DO! It hit me like a train because I realized that it didnt matter if I were an entrepreneur, psychiatrist or rebel without a cause it only mattered WHY my personal reason to do it. And WHY changes everything. Lets look at an example here. A man brings flowers on his first date. This is WHAT he did. But his WHY is much more important than WHAT he did. Thats because maybe he did it because he thought hed create an amazing surprise for his date OR hes really desperate and tries to impress. Now, you tell me how different do you think will the impact be with the 9

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two different WHYs? How different will his dates FEEL and how will they interpret his action his WHAT? How would it be if youd be constantly ON, knowing your personal motivation (your WHY) and ON FIRE to achieve your goals? Lets take a more medical example. Maybe a person decides to be a surgeon thats his WHAT. But his dedication, results, fulfillment and overall success will come from his WHY. If he does it for the money hell burnout much more easier and wont be so interested in the patients wellness and health. He just wants to do his job, get his money and thats it. His WHY is money. On the other hand, if his WHY is wanting to promote a healthier life for his patients and he thinks that he could greatly help them then his level of dedication will be totally different, as well as his actions and as well as his results. What if youd get rid of those big periods where you dont do anything for your dreams? What if youd overcome procrastination, self-kicking and demotivating periods? How would you feel if you wouldnt be your worst enemy anymore but your best friend? Find your WHY! Piece of cake, right? Also, I realized that whats REALLY important is EMOTIONS. You could be the richest, most successful person on the planet. Eventually youll get bored. What do you want to feel? Why do you want to be rich and successful? Emotions are the juice of life not things or material possession. BIG INSIGHT. Also, what Ive learned is that motivation can be dissected in 2 pieces idealistic and neurotic. Idealistic is when you want to help people get over their problems and solve them. Neurotic is when you do it to help yourself. Any motivation has these 2 components, one more than another, depending on the person. The personal journey is towards a complete idealistic motivation to dedicate yourself to something greater than your person. He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how. -Friedrich Nietzsche There are many motivation tricks out there basically, to trick yourself to do it and theyre all external-based. They can help and are very useful, depending on the context. However, on the LONG TERM and regarding your future you should look deep within and find your personal WHY. That is the single factor that will make you carry on, keep you motivated, happy and fulfilled.


Super Doctor EXTENDED 18 Articles To Take You To The Next Level

Finding your WHY isnt enough. You have to remind yourself, DAILY, why youre doing this and the impact you want to have, the vision you want to create. I use a ritual thats VERY effective in the morning, I write down what Im grateful for, why I love myself and which persons I love in my life. Also, I write down my BIG goals and WHY I want to achieve them. This gives me a VERY POWERFUL start of the day and I feel emotionally charged up for an extraordinary day, no matter what happens! It keeps me motivated on auto-pilot and I dont worry about procrastination or lack of motivation. I leave you with one of Simons presentations with a special look at healthcare enjoy and dont forget to explore your personal WHY WHY are you doing it? Check out this awesome presentation by Simon Sinek

5. The Reason For Being In Healthcare

Following the article about motivation and having a strong WHY I thought it would be a great idea to really focus on our work healthcare. The first insight I had was about half of year ago when watching a presentation of Salmaan Sana, a medical student that was very involved in IFMSA. He realized how important compassion was in his purpose of being a doctor and how it changed everything. He even created a foundation called Compassion for Care and I had the honor and privilege to meet him in person and interact further. Hes an extraordinary guy and bound to create some awesome changes in healthcare, as well as being a very influencial and strong doctor. He inspired me to create a conference called Get Out of Med School with a Sane Mind and write a book on being a Super Doctor. The presentation that inspired me is this one. I explored this on my own and discovered that, indeed, compassion and love were the main reasons to practice medicine. Sure, you could do it for money, prestige and social 11

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position but these wear off quickly in the face of a high workload and maybe death and emotional situations. Then I went to an extraordinary summer school named Healthcare Leadership Summer School. It was THE BEST event I participated in and believe me, Ive done a lot until now. Ill write a future post on it. Also, I started reading a book called Time to Care by Dr. Robin Youngson. He also created a foundation called Hearts in Healthcare and is a strong advocate for compassion in healthcare. Its packed with insights and a lot of studies showing that compassion IS THE ONLY REASON to practice medicine if you want maximum productivity, passion and personal fulfillment. Check out one of his videos here. Do you see a thread here? Compassion is the WHY to have if you want to be a SUPER DOCTOR! Compassion, love and core should be core principles which guide your activity. I want to say it again sure, there are SIDE BENEFITS to being a Super Doctor. But if they take the place of the big WHY then things will turn out not in your best interest. Its like eating the meat BEFORE you prepared it. It will work for a while but sooner or later youll get sick of it. Been there, done that. In the end I want to leave you with a powerful series of videos I suggest watching them and think about your personal WHY meanwhile. Also, how would it benefit you and your patients if youd change it to compassion, love and care?


Super Doctor EXTENDED 18 Articles To Take You To The Next Level

6. How to Change The World

Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise so I am changing myself. -Rumi This is a big thing many people are frustrated by. Theyre really good people, idealistic souls who want to do good and change the world to a better version. (according to them because, of course, Hitler had the same goal too). Unfortunately, there is something else here that isnt so obvious and Im blunt enough to put it into words. People want to change the world but wont change themselves. They dont have the courage to pursue their dreams, their ambitions and their massive vision because theyre fearful, unexperienced and (insert any reason here). And I believe them. Been there, done that. Change is hard. Theres a catch theyll learn as soon as they get the guts to go forward: if you want to change the world, you start by changing yourself. It doesnt matter if you like or not. Thats because, to achieve a goal, you need to become a better person. You need to transform your habits MOST of your habits. You have to be more productive, more organized, healthier, fitter, more sociable, more charismatic, more influential and so on. So you change. You change while pursuing a BIG, AUDICIOUS goal. It makes you a whole better person than before you were just by pursuing it! Isnt it amazing? You surely wouldnt have done it if it werent for the goal.


Super Doctor EXTENDED 18 Articles To Take You To The Next Level

Set a goal to become a millionaire for what it makes of you to achieve it. -Jim Rohn I believe both elements have to be present to truly change the world both your personal transformation AND a big dream/vision that you fulfill, day by day, step by step. And so on, the spiral goes higher and higher you become a better person while achieving your dreams and vision for a better world. The bigger the goal, the bigger the commitment and transformation youll undergo. How can YOU change the world? Well, you have to match your talents and passions with the challenges this world presents. Or, as Plato said it best Where your talents converge with the worlds problems, there lies your purpose. Or better yet, this image will solve the dilemma for you:

Be the change you wish to see in the world. Gandhi


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Theres a lot of inner turmoil and searching to do to figure everything out. Theres a lot of experimentation and skill development before you can decide what your outer purpose is. (because you figured your inner one, right?) Thats why Im right here to help you on your journey and even offer specialized help to highly accelerate your growth. I will share some things from personal experience. Before you can help others you should help yourself. You cannot offer something that you dont have. Try donating a million dollars when you still live with your parents. Or try teaching someone how to become a genius when youre still struggling with your education. You have to be stable, happy and developed yourself before you can take a shot at helping others (Maslows scale of needs attests this). Of course, this applies if your job IS to help people the more you help, the more money you make. But other than that, take care of yourself first and then share the abundance. Helping others is THE goal we should strive for in our lives working for something bigger than ourselves. Sure, you can live your life on beaches, sipping on fancy cocktails and being constantly on vacation. Well talk later and see how fulfilled you are. Helping others brings you the most fulfillment ever. Striving for a vision or a goal that could massively improve peoples lives is the goal everybody should attend to. Also, whether you like it or not you ARE influencing others just by being you. This, in fact, is the ONLY way to lead BY EXAMPLE. If others see you busting people up, being arrogant with patients and caring only about yourself youre only contributing to this worlds misery and stopping growth. If youre happy, encouraging people and fighting with your own demons and striving to attain your dream or vision youve just become an inspiration for humanity, on a road towards fulfillment, peace and happiness. So, as little you may think you are, RIGHT NOW you are making your contribution to the world. Let me say it again YOU ARE CHANGING THE WORLD, RIGHT NOW, BY BEING YOU by your actions, by lack of it, your thoughts, your beliefs, your words and your current behavior RIGHT NOW, BEFORE AND AFTER! How is it, looking objectively at it? Are you proud of it? What would you change, if given the occasion? I want to share something amazing with you. Its a movie that stunned me and inspired me to do even more, on a greater scale. Also, it verifies some of the points in this article and even has a plan to help you achieve your dreams. Its an EXTRAORDINARY resource. It is my gift to you. Enjoy!


Super Doctor EXTENDED 18 Articles To Take You To The Next Level


Super Doctor EXTENDED 18 Articles To Take You To The Next Level

7. Does Judging People Help You Be A Better Doctor?

I remember having a patient that was pretty obese. He was smoking, eating crap and being very stressed at a less-that-empowering job (to avoid harsher words). He had all these symptoms (some even horrifying for a man, if youre catching my drift) that were clearly indicating that he wasnt on the right track. I had the flat face on. I was tough, harsh and objective. Hes doing it to himself. He should eat so much crap. He should exercise more! And the smoking?! Duh! Its all HIS fault!. I proceeded by giving a very polite advice on how he should change his lifestyle to prevent further problems. Then it hit me. He went on to tell me that he tried and its pretty hard for him. He had this frown face, full of pity for himself, almost in despair. He had a tense body language and I could tell that he was scared and was lacking trust in himself. For a brief moment I put myself into his shoes. For a moments notice, I was there with him. And I realized how can I be so harsh on people? Theyre exactly like me! I could be in their shoes in another life. After feeling bad for being judgemental and harsh I had another epiphany. The more I judged, the more I increased the distance between myself and him. The less the human contact, the compassion and the rapport. The less the influence, the less the results. Less medicine, less health. Less everything.


Super Doctor EXTENDED 18 Articles To Take You To The Next Level

The more I judge, the less I can love and appreciate. The more I judge the lonelier and disconnected I feel. Now what if YOU were in his place? Would you like to be judged like that and be told Its your fault youre here, now you should suffer for all your mistakes!? Would you like to be treated by such physicians? Would you trust them and comfort into their treatment plan? Would you be more confident in yourself and more committed to change? What if there was a compassionate, even loving doctor that held your hand and said Its ok, were going to get through this.? What if he saw himself in you and said It couldve been me.? What is he would be understanding, accepting and mindful of your current condition, eager to help and always on the watch for you? So what can you do, really? Well, lets kick it with a couple of (no small) feats 1) Be aware of your automatic judgements. It takes a lot of awareness and self honesty to acknowledge them. 2) Once you aware of them, try to see things from another perspective. How can you be more understanding? Is there any other explanation for his situation? 3) What if you were in his place? Act as if it was you that youre treating. How would you talk? What would you say? What would your attitude be like? Patients are waiting for your compassion. They yearn for more understanding, more love and more attention. Dont keep them waiting too much


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8. How Much % Are You Putting In?

Im frustrated. Its because everybody wants the magic pill. I myself search for the magic pill sometimes, when the going gets tough. I feel like Im missing something. Why are those people successful and Im not? (YET) Why is it so TOUGH just for me and its so easy for the rest of the people? Why me, why this, WHY? Its easy to complain. Its easy to bitch and to be another one that bites the dust. Its easy to quit. The easiest thing on the planet. But is it worth it? No matter how motivated we are, no matter how well or not we feel, ACTION is all that matters. Sure, we may have sunny inner days but we all have black days. Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. -Dale Carnegie A friend of mine had a presentation once. He said something that shook me. You DONT have the right to quit until you achieved excellence. Mind blowing. 19

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Which points to the essence of this article. So many of us are trying to get by with the least effort possible and the best outcome possible. Its ok its human nature, really. But that ISNT an excuse for being lazy, quitting or complaining. Theres a saying that how you do something is how you do everything. There are exceptions to this but mainly its true. Its TRUE. Excellence is a habit, then, not a coincidence. How would life look like if you gave it your best more and more OFTEN? How would your life look life if you really BELIEVE and WENT FOR IT, without apology? Do you think Olympic athletes half-ass it? Do you think they say Ah, Ill just skip a workout today, its rainy outside. From my athletic experience, I can say HELL NO! You know what you have to do and regardless of how you feel, you go out there and deliver. 110%. No less, no more. But lets not over-stress ourselves, shall we? What if we have 60, maybe 70%? Would we be more relaxed, happy and productive? Sure. We all need easy days. But consistently? Ask any peak performer, any superstar in his field, anyone who achieved something amazing. They put in the effort, no matter what. They gave 110%, despite not knowing how it will turn out in the end. Despite not being rewarded on the spot. Despite uncertainty, pain or being emotional. What excuse do YOU have for not giving 110%? And do you think your patients will want to be treated by someone whos giving 60%, maybe 70%?


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9. Empowering Patients The Smart Thing To Do?

For many years the following paradigm ruled healthcare: that doctors CREATE healing into patients and they do it to them. The patient was an object on which the healing was done. He had no preferences, no decision making, no power whatsoever. Things began to change recently. Patients become more and more empowered. With the growing body of knowledge (Internet, books, etc), patients are smarter, more knowledgeable and curios. Of course, sometimes they can be downright disturbing and a pain in the buttocks, so to speak. They have a say in the treatment will they choose the more radical procedure or something more holistic and mild? One thing is for sure. The paradigm in which the physician was the God and the patient was the poor man that needed to be watched over is changing. Please welcome the new medicine a new medicine in which patients are empowered the relationship between physicians and patients is one of teamwork rather than a totalitarian regime.


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The center of healthcare is the patient, right? (at least in theory) Well then, physicians become no more than consultants. Consultants that work for the better health and wellness of patients. Theres even an abstract that arrives at the same conclusion as here that empowering patients would greatly improve the clinical outcome (it doesnt research the even greater advantage, of the further advantages of patient responsibility and the impact on their health). Also, this abstract that focuses on reducing drugs and empowering patients arrives at the same conclusion. Seems like were onto something here, huh? Of course, this paradigm, as any other, brings advantages and disadvantages. The authority and ego of the physician are very shaken and maybe even bruised. From a position of total power comes the transition to a position of collaboration, openness and care. More research and influence is needed and maybe the whole process of healing is slowed down. There are some myths that regard this issue, also.(which are strict personal though, so not really scientific) But what about the advantages? Well, the patient feels CARED FOR . He feels that people are working FOR them and asking their opinion about what they want, how they feel and are open to any remarks. The patient feels that the healing isnt done to him, its up to him to heal too. In fact, he feels that ITS HIS RESPONSIBILITY to be healthy and that no one can do it better than him. What a huge shift in attitude this is! Imagine how low the healthcare costs would go if patients would FEEL that they really DO have to take care of themselves and not just go to the doctor as if they take their car to the mechanic. Because THIS IS still the mentality that most people do have. Imagine how enchanted you could feel as a doctor if a patient is really motivated and taking action towards healing himself and you feel like youre on a team thats taking 22

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MASSIVE ACTION towards a healthy, happy and fulfilling life. How would that feel? Wouldnt that empower you, also, as a doctor?

The empowering goes both ways. Patients would feel much more better taken care of, more open and would be WAY MORE RESPONSIBLE. On the other hand, the physician would feel great because he knows the whole burden of healing isnt put on his shoulders, the God of healing. Its teamwork and he feels awesome when the patient encourages the doctor to help him and helps himself, too. Would you like to live in a world like that? Imagine how many lives you could save by promoting this paradigm. How many lives you could better by empowering people to take control of their health, becoming more responsible and happy. What can YOU do TODAY to promote this PARADIGM? I would like to leave you with a powerful video.


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10. What Does Healthcare Really Mean?

Such a simple word yet such a vast number of worlds beyond it. Everyone has his opinion or thinks he knows it. Truthfully speaking, there are two ways to look at healthcare. Looking objectively at it at how the system works, the hospitals, the staff, paradigms, protocols and so on. And theres the subjective one that deeply influences your paradigms, your vision, your actions and your overall professional satisfaction. In this article well treat the latter one. So, healthcare. Its made out of two words HEALTH and CARE. The definition of each one of them bind together to form your personal definition of healthcare. Lets tackle the first one of them. HEALTH. What does health mean to you? Does it mean not being in pain and just going through the day without major discomfort? Does it mean to deal with any illness that arises and going to the hospital every time without paying attention to the real causes of it? What does HEALTH mean to you? What does being HEALTHY mean? What do you have to do to be HEALTHY? To me, being healthy is a holistic concept. It means being healthy physically, mentally and emotionally. It means adopting and living healthy habits which keep disease far from me and they keep me full of vitality, happy and energized. It means being (very) fit, happy and productive. So being healthy is very much about PREVENTING disease while keeping a VERY HEALTHY lifestyle. 24

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To the second part CARE. What does care mean to you? Does it mean giving medication and doing your best technically speaking to ensure healing? Does it mean to give love, care and affection to those in need? Does it mean to just do your job and not pay attention to your patients? What do you gave to do to CARE? What does it really mean to you? To me, caring means giving my best technical knowledge for the health and wellness of the patient. It also means holding their hand and listening to them. It means that I will be open to them, encourage and love them as fellow human beings. Its about combining my specific knowledge with caring as a healer and a human being. Also, I humbly realized that caring means fulfillment for me. By caring I feel useful, happy and fulfilled. Just by caring. I fulfill my life purpose. Just like that. I challenge you to REALLY think about your definitions and see how they influence your view of the world. Trust me, they coordinate your actions and your satisfaction much more than you think. So, how about it? What is HEALTH to you? What is CARE? And ultimately, what does HEALTHCARE mean and how do you put it into practice?


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11. Purpose, Dream and Healthcare Big Words, Big Impact

To be a SUPER HERO in medicine, you have to have some mental things cleared up. Clarity of what you want to achieve is ABSOLUTELY essential. Following the healthcare article (where I hope you discovered what healthcare means to you), I figured we should go deeper. And even deeper sooner. But lets stay present, shall we? If you dont know where youre going, youre bound to live a life of mediocrity. Imagine a ship thats in the middle of an ocean. It doesnt have a clear direction its just drifting around and nowhere to go really. How many chances are there that the ship will reach a harbor any time soon? Or how much time until the first storm hits and it will wreck havoc?


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The first step is knowing where you want to go. The second step is constantly reminding yourself your destination and taking one step at a time towards that destination. Without further ado, lets dive in to the really juicy stuff! #1 How do YOU fit in healthcare? Everybodys different. A lot of people kick themselves because theyre maybe too different. I dont believe in that. I believe in special characteristics and personalities that are bound towards some activities rather than others. There is this poem to illustrate this: Dont be concerned that your path is not like that of others. It takes courage to be yourself and not to live in reaction to the likes and dislikes of others. Be courageous and follow your heart. You need to walk your own unique path in order to honor yourself and fulfill your spiritual purpose. If your life direction makes other people uncomfortable, then they do not have to share the journey with you. Dont be disappointed, if this is the case. When others choose to leave, it is usually because they must move in a different direction to honor themselves. (Everyday Wisdom by Paul Ferrini) Finding your place in the whole system is critical. If you just want to adapt and go with the flow youll end up like the ship without a destination A WRECK! So its your duty to look beyond all the conventional roads and everything youve been told and advised. You have to pave your own way. Its a little bit scary but its one of the most fulfilling things you can do in your life time. Ask anyone who did it. So, the question is: how do YOU fit in healthcare? Where is your special place? What would you love to do? Who do you want to help? Maybe youre bound to choose a traditional path or a more non-conformist one. Anything is great, as long as you feel fulfilled and you feel that youre on your own road. I repeat DO NOT COMPROMISE ON YOURSELF! Its one of the WORST things you can do with your life youll feel horrible about yourself DURING and AT THE VERY END of your life. By compromising on yourself and your dreams, youre not only stealing yourself of


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the gifts and happiness you were given but youre contributing to a WORSE WORLD by NOT GIVING your greatest gifts to it. Think about it. Reaaally think about it, long and hard is it worth it? Life is either an extraordinary adventure or nothing at all. -Hellen Keller #2 What is YOUR dream for healthcare? Everybody has dreams. If youre here, you have a dream for healthcare theres no way around it. Unfortunately, people (AGAIN!) compromise on themselves and dreams get lost in the routine of daily life. What is your intention for healthcare? How can you make it better? What is YOUR ROLE in the whole system? How do you see it from an ideal perspective? What would you do, if given the chance? Take time to think about it. This is REALLY important both for you and for us, the rest of the world! Were anxiously waiting for you to express your gifts to us towards creating an amazing world. Most people die at 25 but get buried at 80. -Benjamin Franklin #3 What is YOUR purpose for this journey on Earth? There are different paradigms about living life. The Eastern people think that life is just a game, a play. A game doesnt have any purpose at all, its just about playing the game and enjoying it. Westerners have a different view of the world. We have to do things, to accomplish tasks and goals, to have a purpose for everything. Im VERY HAPPY to cut the crap of all the Whats the purpose of my life? thing. Its something I struggled a lot but eventually found the solution. Believe me, you can spend all your lifetime searching for it and still not find it. And there you have it, HERE. I know, Im awesome. The purpose of your life is to live certain emotions that you have dear to your heart. Some call it values, some call it emotions, its all the same thing things that are important to you. Maybe its joy, maybe its contribution to the world, maybe its health, maybe


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its love. So, depending on whats important to you, your life purpose is to live as much of those emotions as possible. Its not about accomplishing something although it would be great. Its not about DOING something doing is just a portal for expressing and living those emotions youre after. Its not about success or achievement its all about DOING. So, the purpose doesnt change but your activities can change because they all have the same purpose to help you FEEL those feelings youre after. Or maybe this quote will help you Its about the journey, not the destination.

So this is it. Youve been exposed to some HUGE ideas. Your place in healthcare, your vision for a better world and (WHOAH!) your purpose. Some big words and things to do, dont you think? I know you didnt take the time to think about them. I wouldnt have, either. But thats why I lost so much time when I couldve been waaaaaay ahead. You can read all you want, complain as much as your mouth can speak and frustrate the hell out of your mind and emotions. Nothing will change until you TAKE ACTION and you find your personal answers to these questions. You DO want to be a SUPER DOCTOR, right? Then please take some time for yourself (at least an hour), put on some chill-out music, lit some candles, put on some Barry White (to make love to yourself, MENTALLY) and think about these:


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#1 How do YOU fit in HEALTHCARE? #2 What is YOUR DREAM for HEALTHCARE? #3 What is YOUR PURPOSE in your JOURNEY? Welcome to the very exclusive club of EXTRAORDINARY people and SUPER DOCTORS!


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12. Purpose Your Portal Towards A Legendary Life

Its a HUGE thing a lot of people struggle with. Lack of clarity, lack of vision and lack of confidence give people the feeling that theyre just drifting along and not doing anything significant with their lives. Ive been there and done that. After a lot of research (both on the Internet and inward, in myself) I found the solution. Best of all, its FREE and Im going to save you YEARS of your life spent on searching this and maybe countless dollars, a lot of time and emotional energy that you would have spent otherwise on all the crap thats on the Internet about it. So I was saying that purpose basically means living your deepest values and emotions that you crave for. Let me give you an example. I have a lot of strong values. Health, love, contribution, joy, fun, presence, adventure, passion, kaizen (the meaning here). So my life purpose would be: My purpose is to live a life full of joy, contribution, fun, adventure, passion and kaizen while being present moment by moment. So let me break it down for you to be easier for you: #1 Find Out Whats Important To You Is it health? Feeling a sense of personal power? Feeling joyful, passionate? Maybe you want to sense that everyday youre making progress. These are all very personal. Please take the time to find your own. Here is some help and here also if you want to get into details. 31

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A little gem for you also: Emotions dont come from EXTERNAL events. Emotions are created within you, using your mind and body. Think about that. #2 Put It Into A Mission Statement Out of all your values, select the most important ones and put them into a mission statement, just like you saw earlier. #3 LIVE IT, DAY BY DAY! It was easy until here, really! Now comes the action part. Its not enough to know your values you have to LIVE them. This is work in progress and its never-ending. (well, it does end but so will you when it happens ) Make a PLAN for every value you want. Write SPECIFIC actions you can do to fulfill your value in that day. For example, Health. I have to exercise daily and eat at least a serving of vegetables and other one of fruit. Love. I have to say at least 3 nice things to people every day and hug at least one person per day. Did you get the picture? I also suggest that every day, as a ritual, before you go to bed, write on a sheet of paper every personal value and if you followed it through. Also, think about how you could improve. Believe me, this is SO POWERFUL you cant even comprehend it. Amazing changes will happen in your life and youll feel a BLAST of happiness, fulfillment and strength youve never experienced before. Heres some help to clarify everything. One last word of advice. This is personal work that NEEDS TO BE DONE. Nobody will do it for you. This is groundbreaking work youre doing. Youre not realizing how important it can be for your life and for your patients too. You will see only after you apply everything. I can speak from my mistakes here and this was a big one reading a lot and applying only a handful of them.

Im eager to find out YOUR purpose what is it? What are your values? How are you going to fulfill them?


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13. Burnt by Fire How Burnout Can Affect You

Ive had some burnout situations in my life. They werent professional but were systemic burnouts. I was overtrained, undernourished, overly stressed and lacking a vision for my life. I remember these periods as very uncomfortable and very difficult to transcend. Doctors are part of a hardcore profession. We are demanded excellence every day with the risk of hurting peoples lives. One 2010 study revealed that 18 percent of patients were harmed by medical care and over 63 percent of the injuries could have been prevented. In nearly 2.5 percent of these cases, the problems caused or contributed to a persons death. In another 3 percent, patients suffered from permanent injury, while over 8 percent experienced life-threatening issues Stress is the one to blame for all this. Were in a constant tension and we begin to like it that is, until it gets to us. Ive been shown time and time again if I do not relax into the moment, if I do not de-tense myself EVERYTHING becomes a living hell even those things that I previously loved. Surely, you can imagine how its like to be overly stressed and burned-out. In a constant state of fatigue, drowsiness and lack (of everything), you begin to feel more and more anxious. You no longer find the joy in life and you feel like youre on a constant treadmill. Lets not go further to worse scenarios depression, mental illnesses and maybe even suicidal behavior. But what about the reverse? How would it be like if youd do everything in your own pace, enjoying every little thing of the day? How it would be like if youd be ultra-productive, happy and resilient in face of daily stress and change? What if youd have a new zest for life, for joy and meaning?


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Im sure its not hard to make a choice. The REAL hardcore question is this: WHAT are you going to do about it? How are you going to avoid stress on a daily basis? What rituals will you build to ensure your happiness and wellbeing?

14. The Power of Entourage and How Its Affecting YOU

Marc Victor Hadsen, a famous motivational speaker, was attending a Tony Robbins seminar. (one of the titans of the self-help industry) At the end, Mr. Hadsen went to Tony to ask a difficul questions. He askedTony, how is it that youre earning billions and Im just scraping the surface of millions, even though we teach the same principles and things? Tony looked at him and said Well, tell me who do you hang out with. Marc was like What do you mean?. Tony replied Well, Im guessing theyre earning millions too, right? If you want to go to the next level, start hanging out with people that earn more than you. They say youre the average of the 5 people you most hang out with. Isnt that a bold statement? As bold as it is, it couldnt be any more true than it is. Check out an amazing article about it for reading about it in depth. Lets picture a scene here. Youre out with your best buddies and having a good time. Youre sipping a cocktail (or a beer, or an Absinth, whatever you fancy) and talking about all sorts of things. You seem like youre having fun but deep down you feel a little shallow. You know youre kind of wasting your time not because youd rather study but because you dont really have a lot in common with the people youre with. As the night ends, dizzy from the alcohol, you go home and think that things could go better. Youre drunk again and lost another evening to meaningless discussions. 34

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I dont know about you but this happened often to me. I was listening totally bored to the same old discussions, with themes that didnt interest me with people that gossiped and didnt know any better. I was sick of wasting my time with boring people and longed for genuine rapport, enriching discussions and enchanting themes. Beware of emotional vampires! Emotional vampires are people that drain you physically and emotionally that are constantly asking for attention, constantly complaining and in a less than positive state. Not only they dont wish to get out of the rat hole but they unconsciously drag those around them in the same empty space. Now lets picture a totally different scene here. Youre out with a very respectful bunch of people people that know what they want out of life, fight for it and have a lot of experience to show it. You have A LOT in common starting with values and paradigms and ending with goals and experiences. Youre very enthusiastic about the themes and everybody shares their experience. Your mind is rapidly absorbing everything and you feel like youre getting ENORMOUS value out of a casual chat between friends. You write down ideas and new things to try on your own and youre anxious to read about all the new stuff you heard about this evening. You laugh whole-heartedly, switch to being sad when a tragic story is told and time just flies by without even noticing it. You look at the watch and there went 3 hours already! You feel so good and your heart sings with joy because you found people you deeply connect with. You feel understood, appreciated, accepted for who you are and like the world is yours. Youd give ANYTHING just to hang around more with these people How different are those situations? Could they be any more opposed than this? Of course, the first step to having better friends is becoming better yourself. You cant expect other people to conform to your new-found rules and behave as you expect them to while youre sitting in the same dirty old mud. As we talked before, to create a better world you must change yourself first. After a while, when you clearly evolved from where you were, you need to take the next steps Am I saying to dump your friends just because they arent millionaires and superstars? Of course not. All Im saying is that you should choose more carefully the people you surround yourself with. Nobodys saying that you dont need pure, dumb-alcohol induced fun. Beware, though. Too much of something will lead you somewhere where you may not want to be. Just because you hanged out with some people until now doesnt mean you should continue. You can be sure of one thing people change. One of the most beautiful things on earth is to witness people evolve together towards a better future and bettering their behaviors also. Warning: dont plan on having the same people around you all your life. Youd be surprised of how fast things (and people) change for better or worse. Even if this does happen and the same people remain in your life do they truly bring out the best of you?


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Encourage you, have a wonderful life on their own and inspire you to do your best? Do you do the same with them? If the answers are mostly no you should look carefully at your social life. Its one of the most important aspects of your life one that you have complete control over. Theres another story with Tony Robbins. He went to one of the NAVY SEALS HQ where individuals were training to become part of one of the most elite special forces in the world. He was admiring their ambition, their resilience and their perseverance in spite of extreme pain and rough conditions. While talking with the general about this, he heard himself saying I wonder what extraordinary things they can do when they turn to the civilian life. The general turned around, looked at him deeply in the eye and said Sir, I beg your pardon. I must confess my doubts about this. Not because they could not do it but rather because outside, in the civilian world, there would be nobody to ask them for excellence and such high performance. Hence, they will not succeed in any great endeavour but merely in what they must do to get by. Tony Robbins was stunned. The general was right. Our standards and the standards on the environment dictate our performance.

So what influence do you have on others? Is it very positive of neutral? What are others saying about it? And what about your social circle both friends and coworkers? Do they inspire you to reach for the sky or are they emotionally draining you?


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15. 5 Myths About Being World-Class That Hold You Back

There are a lot of myths about being world-class quality in your work. Medicine is maybe one of the top domains in which myth reigns about the gifted ones. Lets explore some of these myths: Myth #1 They Were Born To Do This Yes, indeed, some individuals are born with certain prerequisites and talents. Mozart, some sports prodigies and a couple of few more. But then again, a lot of people had to work REALLY HARD to get where they wanted. Van Gogh struggled a lot with being a priest before painting towards the end of his life. Jim Carrey struggled for two years to get a contract. And dont get me started on Michael Jordan. To sum it up, yes, there are VERY FEW that are born with exceptional talents. But even they had to work extremely hard to get world-class. So hard work is a must, not optional. Check this one out. Myth #2 They Got Lucky True. You need some help from the Universe. Its really frustrating to work like a madman and not get any help from outside. But I wouldnt count on it. Circumstances align when youre totally dedicated and have burned all bridges behind you. Unexpected doors start to open and you start seeing new possibilities. But luck, as an outside factor, has little to do with it. I think you manufacture 80% of your luck. And one of the worlds greatest geniuses said something really valuable: I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it. -Thomas Jefferson


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Myth #3 Im Not Talented Enough This is closely tied to #1 because youre comparing yourself with those who already have great results. The difference is youre only starting out and theyve been working on it for a while now. I wouldnt worry too much about the talent part instead, I would worry about if I like it enough, if I enjoy it, if Im making a contribution by what Im doing. Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads. -Erica Jong

Myth #4 They Are Too Many People Already Doing It, I Dont Stand A Chance I had this one too a while ago. What you DONT realize is that, if there are a lot of people there that usually means that theres a lot of value in it, otherwise they wouldnt be around. Plus, what does that have to do with you? It will give you a boost of competitivity and you have a lot of people to learn from. Myth #5 Ill Be A Superstar In A Year Good luck with that, hotshot. In his awesome book, Outliers, Malcom Gladwell created the (accepted&pretty verified) theory that it takes about 10,000 hours of DELIBERATE PRACTICE to reach world-class level in a skill. How many hours did you clock in?


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Generally speaking, if you feel a limit of fear holding back, its just bullshit. Bullshit that your mind created so that it would keep you safe and in your comfort zone. But it certainly wont make you happy or fulfilled, will it? Following is a great series of videos from a respected author that wrote a stunning book on achieving greatness and attacked all these myths and many more. His conclusion? Its all hard work and persistence. So whats your excuse now?


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16. Where Are You Headed?

In 1979, interviewers asked new graduates from the Harvards MBA Program and found that : 84% had no specific goals at all 13% had goals but they were not committed to paper 3% had clear, written goals and plans to accomplish them In 1989 (only 10 years later), the interviewers again interviewed the graduates of that class. You can guess the results: The 13% of the class who had goals were earning, on average, twice as much as the 84 percent who had no goals at all. Even more staggering the three percent who had clear, written goals were earning, on average,ten times as much as the other 97 percent put together. Ive written a bit about the power of a vision earlier. To get your imagination rolling, thing about this:youre an archer who wants to hit a target. Maybe you have Parkinsons, maybe you got drunk last night, maybe youre a drug addict and you miss your E(cstasy), doesnt matter. Either way, you have exponentially more chances that a blind archer to hit the target.


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Are you catching my drift? If you see where youre going, its much more easier to get there. Your mind is like a Google for goals whatever youre feeding it, its searching for new results about the same thing. It helps you to get faster, better and easier to what you put into it. So if you see only poverty, laziness and greed your mind will respond to it. If you search for inspiration, success stories and new ways to help you reach your goals, you empower your mind. Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny. -Lao Tzu I want to leave you with a great presentation by a really passionate guy. Youll see a lot of points I made here and in other posts.

So, where are you going? Whats your vision for the next year, 5 years, 10 years? Where do you want to be? Be sure of it, everyones going to arrive somewhere usually thats where their mind dictated them to. Where do you set your mind to go?


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17. The Question That Changes Everything

People want different things. Some want more money. Others want to be famous. A rare breed wants just to change the world for the better. Many want to love and be loved back. Few want to evolve. And so forth Whats very interesting is that what people want reflect what they miss in their life. Youd be VERY surprised if I tell you that a lot of people go into careers, hobbies or goals just because they think they have something to prove. Or they think thats shameful to do something else after all the effort they poured into their current direction. Some have a lot of frustrations and secrets they want to keep to themselves. Doubts keep them blocked and keep them on a path that theyd rather not be on. A lot of them search for validation. They imagine that if theyd be successful everyone would praise them and theyd get the approval and love they long for. Or maybe they imagine that if they would be successful in a very competitive niche they would attract admiration and awe from their fellow neighbours, colleagues and loved ones. The human psyche is a complicated system and its rough to understand its inner workings, especially if youre the one youre studying. All I can say is that Ive been there and done that. Ive done a lot of things just for the admiration of people in my life. I went into extreme endeavours just to prove myself and get the approval and awe of others. I stayed on paths just because I was afraid, I was very frustrated and wanted to prove myself (like medicine, for example). Im not proud of some choices Ive made. Its not pretty. But they all taught me VERY IMPORTANT lessons and more importantly, I had the willingness to learn from them. I extracted the gem from every one


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of them and I got here. And Im damn glad to be here, writing this for you and helping you get where you want. Why am I writing this? Well, because I came to a presentation of a very interesting fellow with a fascinating title. He waits until the very end of the presentation to drop the bomb but, in spite of my lack of patience, it was worth it. (you can go directly to 17:17 if you arent interested in leadership and other things or dont find the presentation useful) So, how about it? Imagine youre shameless. You dont have anything to prove to anyone not yourself, not your parents, your girlfriend, anyone whatsoever. Youre already a winner in anything you want to start. You got past your secrets, your doubts and worries. Get into that state. REALLY get into it. When youre ready, ask yourself: What do you REALLY WANT? Its CRUCIAL that you get into that state. What Ive found is that the answers are totally different from those got in a normal, day-by-day state. Its very interesting to experiment with this and I promise you, its VERY worthwhile your effort. So, what did you get? What do you really want out of your career, your relationships and your whole life? What do you want to bring to your patients? How do you want to impact the world, heal people and bring around happiness and love?


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18. Why Youre Bound To a Mediocre Career

Change is not easy. Excellence is not too popular. Innovation is one of the most challenging things on Earth. Dreams and wishes are not enough to live them they must be pursued. A very interesting thing happens before we get to work. We have this great idea of how we can change the world, of how well and happy we can be, of how big a difference we can create. We get really psyched then we get to work And then the shit hits the fan. We have an internal block. We sense something related to fear, discomfort and some sort of emotional block. Its something new and were afraid of it. We hold back and have second thoughts about it. Now, if the first time was like that, do you REALLY think the second time will be better? Do you honestly believe a magic time will show up when youll feel inspired, alive and ready for action? Do you really hope for a miracle, a divine inspiration or some sort of favorable consequences that will beg Please, DO SOMETHING!!!? If you do, Im sorry. Im here to tell you that the chances that those things will happen are close to 0 and less than 1%. If you REALLY want to make a difference start creating a difference for yourself. Start hustling. Start small and improve each day. JUST START ALREADY! Dont wait for unicorns or a perfect world theyll never come. Or maybe they will but ONLY when you will create the correct circumstances for them to show up. Be the change you want to see in the world. -Gandhi


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I want to present an incredible speaker who had a mind-blowing presentation. His sincerity and courage to say things by their name blew me away. I couldnt say it better. This is a tough one that will raise tough questions and will nag your mind until you deal with it. So yeah, youre bound to a mediocre career. Mediocre happiness, fulfillment and a mediocre impact. If youre afraid and arent doing anything about it, youll stay there. UNLESS


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