Gosullivan Ibis Newry 13092013

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EU funding opportunities for ocean observation, modelling and prediction in the North Atlantic Area

IBIS and Atlan+c Salmon Trust Workshop OCEAN TRACKING Newry, Co. Down: 12th 13th September 2013
Georey OSullivan Senior Policy Advisor Oce of the CEO Marine Ins>tute, Ireland www.marine.ie

It was the best of 2mes, Heightened awareness at EU level of the importance of the marine resource Opportunity to inuence decisions it was the worst of 2mes New Programmes (Horizon 2020, INTERREG-V) s>ll being dened
Charles Dickens (1812-1870) A Tale of Two Ci;es

Understanding the Policy Cascade

Europe 2020 Strategy

Smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth

The Integrated Mari>me Policy for the European Union (2007)

The Marine Strategy Framework Direc>ve (2008)

The European Strategy for Marine & Mari>me Research (2008)

The Blue Growth Strategy (2012)

Sea Basin Strategies

The European Strategy for the Atlan>c (2011)

The European Atlan>c Ac>on Plan 2014-2020 (2013)

Funding supporting Policy Implementation

The EU Atlan>c Ac>on Plan (2014-2020)

Priority 1: Promote entrepreneurship and innova>on: research and innova;on; Improving skills; Suppor;ng reform of Common Fisheries Policy and revitalising aquaculture. Priority 2: Protect, secure and develop the poten>al of the Atlan>c marine and coastal environment: safety and security of seafarers, coastal popula;ons, property and ecosystems; Develop a European Atlan>c Ocean Observing and Predic>ve Capability; Address global climate change issues including mi;ga;on and adap;ve strategies; Support environmental protec>on and eorts to achieve Good Environmental Status (MSFD); Assess the social and economic value and func;oning of Atlan;c ecosystems and biodiversity; Contribute to mari>me spa>al planning and integrated coastal management; Support technical feasibility, economic viability and environmental impact of mining for marine minerals; Lay founda;on for sustainable, high-value-added European marine biotechnology sector; Accelerate deployment of sustainable oshore renewable energy. Priority 3: Improve accessibility and connec>vity: Facilitate the development of ports as hubs of the blue economy. Priority 4: Create a socially inclusive and sustainable model of regional development: Best Prac;ce in enhancing the health, social inclusion and well-being of coastal popula>ons , including development of appropriate and usable socio-economic indicators; Diversica;on of mari>me and coastal tourism.
Ref: Ac;on Plan for a Mari;me Strategy in the Atlan;c Area: Delivering smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. COM (2013) 279 nal. See: h[p://ec.europa.eu/mari;meaairs/policy/sea_basins/atlan;c_ocean/index_en.htm

Structural & Cohesion Funds Horizon 2020 Mari;me & Fisheries Fund Compe;;veness of Enterprises & SMEs LIFE+ European Agriculture Fund for Rural Development External Ac;on Instruments European Investment Bank (EIC) Loan
h[p://ec.europa.eu/mari;meaairs/policy/sea_basins/ Atlan;c _ocean/atlan;cforum/funds_en.pdf.

EU Funding Instruments (2014-2020)

New Horizons: Commission support for Marine/Maritime Research

Our seas and oceans are essen+al to our wealth and well-being. The mari+me economy accounts for as much as 5% of Europe's economic ac+vity. GeIng smart about our mari+me economy will play a vital role in Europe's economic recovery. Maire Geoghegan-Quinn, Galway 2010

a separate, visible and new ac+vity named Cross CuIng Marine and Mari+me Research, has been introduced in the Horizon 2020 programme. This separate ac+vity will maximise the synergies between research areas when conduc+ng research in the marine and mari+me environments. Maria da Graa Carvalho, Member of the European Parliament and Rapporteur for the EU Horizon 2020 Programme

Framework 7 (2007-2013)
Marine Core Services & Capaci;es www.myocean.eu.org


Marine Observatory Network www.jerico-fp7.eu


Network of Ocean Observatories www.eurosites.info/index.php


Mi;ga;ng adverse ecological impacts of open ocean sheries www.made-project.eu


Robo;c Fish www.roboshoal.com


Oceans of Tomorrow 2013: Marine Technologies

10 Marine Technology/Ocean Sensor Projects funded 3 with Irish par;cipa;on

University of the Azores

ARCOPOL Plus Workshop Opportuni;es for the deployment of AUVs, UAVs and marine sensors for detec;ng and managing threats from Harmful Noxious Substances in the marine environment. Na;onal Mari;me College of Ireland www.nmci.ie 4th September 2013

IBIS and Atlan+c Salmon Trust Workshop OCEAN TRACKING Newry, Co. Down: 12th 13th September 2013

Trans-Atlantic Co-Operation

Signing of Galway Statement on Atlan>c Ocean Co- opera>on: Launching a European Union Canadian United States of America Research Alliance. Galway, 24th May 2013.


Ocean Observa;on, Forecas;ng and Predic;on Seabed Mapping Ocean Ecosystem func;oning , including marine microbial diversity Ocean Literacy

Some Useful Sources of Information/Contacts

Irish SMARTOCEAN Cluster (ICT and the Sea)

Contact: edel.oconnor-ext@marine.ie


Contact: ronan.gingles@iro.ie> www.marineboard.eu

The EurOCEAN Knowledge Gate www.kg.eurocean.org/

Thank You Any Ques>ons?

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