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Morgan Sprouse ELED 300 (Introduction to teaching) Learning Module One

Sprouse After reading throughout chapters one, two, and three in Learning & Teaching

Research-Based Methods by: Don Kauchak and Paul Eggen I have developed a better understanding for learning competencies one, two, five, and six. Understanding human development, creating diverse learning experiences, establishing a healthy classroom climate, and creating an organized productive learning environment. Most importantly I have learned how to apply each of these competencies into my future classroom. Understanding human development is an important concept within the classroom because each student we encounter as a teacher is a unique individual. No two people learn in the exact same way; therefore it is our job as educators to figure out how our students learn so we can create different activities in class to meet the learning needs of all types of learners at each stage of their learning. We can do this in our future classrooms by having a variety of recourses available for each type of learner. Creating diverse learning experiences within the classroom is another important aspect to incorporate within teaching, because each student will come from a different family and cultural background. Teachers can incorporate these diverse learning experiences in several ways. However, two of my favorite ways are: allowing students to have discussion groups in the classroom, and incorporating projects about different cultural holidays or traditions. Discussing diversity in the classroom allows students to relate to one another and share their differences in a safe place without fear of being judged by their peers. Last but not least, establishing a healthy classroom climate directly links in with creating an organized and productive learning environment. An organized classroom environment allows us as teachers to better meet the needs of our students without

Sprouse having to fumble around looking for things. When teachers are able to devote more quality time to our students we can create better relationships in the classroom, giving students a better overall learning experience. What I found to be most interesting throughout my reading is that each of the above competencies work together to create overall effective teaching. Chapters one through three of the textbook discuss the different aspects that hold together effective teaching. The book goes on to describe the term as being unique to each individual teacher. The key to effective teaching is to reach the individual learning needs of the students in your classroom; the challenging part is that there is no exact map to lead you to that point. Developing an understanding for the learning competencies discussed throughout this paper has given me a greater understanding for effective teaching and how it applies along with each of the learning competencies directly into my classroom.






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