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*Adapted from Rose, C, & Goll, L. (1992). Accelerate Your Learning. Buckinghamshire: Accelerated Learning Systems Ltd.

1. State of mind You need to be motivated to learn new things. Keep asking yourself, Whats In It For Me?. Relax and see a successful outcome. Henry Ford once said, Whether you think you can or whether you think you cant you are probably right. A vision of success is a powerful motivator. 2. Get the facts to suit yourself Get the big picture If you dont know where youre going any road will take you there! Sketch out what you know Break it down into small steps How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! Ask questionscontinuously! Get the facts in ways that suit you Use Learning Maps STOP and experiment with Multi-Sensory Learning!

3. Explore the subject Identify the seven intelligences & use the strategy/ies most relevant to you 4. Memorise the key facts Choose a method/s that suit/s you 5. Show you know Test yourself to check if you have really understood Use what you learned so it becomes automatic 6. Reflect on how you learned How is the learning task going? How could it have gone better?

REMEMBER: Good learners are made, not born.

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TE MANAWA Mentoring Programme 2005

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