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Stage 1 Talking and Listening Program Term 4 2013

Learning Intentions: To develop appropriate pace, volume and expression while talking To speak on a given topic for an expected length of time To demonstrate active listening, showing respect and attention to the speaker NSW Syllabus Outcomes: TS1.1 Communicates with an increasing range of people for a variety of purposed on both familiar and introduced topics in spontaneous and structured classroom activities. TS1.2 Interacts in more extended ways with less teacher intervention, makes increasingly confident oral presentations and generally listens attentively. TS1.3 Recognises a range of purposes and audiences for spoken language and considers how own talking and listening are adjusted in different situations. TS1.4 Recognises that different types of predictable spoken texts have different organisational patterns and features National Curriculum Outcomes EN1-1A communicates with a range of people in informal and guided activities demonstrating interaction skills and considers how own communication is adjusted in different situations EN1-6B recognises a range of purposes and audiences for spoken language and recognises organisational patterns and features of predictable spoken text. EN1-12E identifies and discusses aspects of their own and others learning Links to National Curriculum general capabilities: Critical and creative thinking Ethical understanding Literacy Personal and social capability Work and Enterprise Quality Teaching Elements: While effective teaching and learning will address all quality teaching elements, there will be a focus on the following within the talking and listening program: Substantive Communication Explicit quality criteria Connectedness National Professional Standards: During this unit, the standards which will be a focus are: Know students and how they learn Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

How these standards are addressed depends on the experiences and expectations for each individual teacher

Talking and Listening Term 4 2013

These activities are flexible and can be modified or changed to suit the needs of individual students or classes. There will be two assessment tasks during the term. These are indicated in the program. Information regarding the expected preparation at home will be sent to families at the beginning of term. It is expected that each student in a class will speak in front of their peers weekly. The level of preparation for this can be decided by each teacher and their students/families. Talks will vary in duration between classes and students, but it is expected that each week students speak for between 30 seconds and 2 minutes. During assessment weeks, this will be 1-2 minutes and will be a criterion for marking.


Learning Intention: To recount an experience or activity. My holidays- Recount an activity or experience during the school holidays. Free Choice Learning intention: To discuss the different ways people communicate. Discuss verbal and non-verbal communication. What is you preferred form of communication? Why? Prior to lesson, discuss patterns, textures and mood. Learning intention: To investigate how an environment can create a mood. Describe your favourite environment- What is it? Where is it? How does it make you feel? Why does it create this mood?

Speaker Focus Behaviour

Uses appropriate speed when speaking

Listener Focus Behaviours Register

-Does not talk while speaker is presenting -Asks appropriate open-ended questions

2 3

Maintains eye contact with audience -Demonstrates 5Ls Stands still while presenting -Attempts to display active listening -Shows respect to the speaker at all times Review of previous focuses

5 Learning intention: To give information Assessment about a picture. week Favourite photograph- Bring in your favourite photo and explain how pictures give us information. Discuss common patterns, colours, textures, people and places. 6 Learning Intention: To give information about people in the community. Choose a person in the community (e.g. police officer or fireman) and write a description of their appearance, uniform and profession. Free Choice Learning Intention: To describe that costumes create characters. Characters in Books- Bring in a book that describes your favourite book character. Who is your character? What does he/she do? How does your character dress?

Uses appropriate volume

Demonstrates expression and animation

7 8

Speaks clearly in front of others Uses props appropriately

9 Lesson Intention: To investigate how Assessment pictures can tell a story. week Using a number of images, tell a story. 10 Free choice Demonstrates all expected behaviours

Term 4 Assessment Marking Criteria Week 5- Bring in your favourite photo and explain how pictures give us information. Discuss common patterns, colours, textures, people and places. All criteria given a score out of 5 (1 being minimal or none, 5 being consistently) Appropriate speed Maintains eye contact Stands still Speaks for 1-2 mins



Term 4 Assessment Marking Criteria Week 9- Using a number of images, tell a story. All criteria given a score out of 5 (1 being minimal or none, 5 being consistently) Maintains stands speaks for Appropriate Expression & Speaks Uses props eye contact still 1-2 mins volume animation clearly appropriately


Appropriate speed


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