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TEACHING & LEARNING CYCLE (Identify step in the T & L cycle and the literacy learning intention or sessions

focus )

WHOLE CLASS Tuning In (Identify a strategy or a tool to help activate prior knowledge and/or to introduce the topic.)

MINI LESSON (Explicitly model the use of a new strategy or a tool to assist with the literacy learning intention or focus of the session and to prepare students for successful completion of the set task. Reference to Wing Jan include page details)

INDEPENDENT LEARNING (Extended opportunity for students to work in pairs, small groups or individually on a set task. Time for teacher to probe students thinking or work with a small group for part of the time. Reference to Wing Jan include page details)

SHARE TIME AND TEACHER SUMMARY (Focussed teacher questions and summary to draw out the knowledge, skills and processes used in the session)

ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES (should relate to literacy learning intention or focus of the session. Includes how & what you will use to make a judgment on students attempt/work)

Session 1 Building text knowledge Henry 1878: Avoiding invention problems

As a whole class discuss when it is important for people to take notes in their everyday lives. What might these lists look like? Are they sentences or dot points?

Think Aloud Model to the class how to take notes of important information while watching the first clip following Henry, Henrys Life. Focus on locating key information, dot points and summarising information.

Independent R/W, Finding evidence in the text. In small groups, students take notes in order to fill in a graphic organiser with the answers to the questions when, why, what and where? did the explosion happen. Students then use their graphic organisers to complete the Avoiding Invention Problems worksheet while watching the clip The Dough Machine (refer appendix a) on laptops to be able to pause and rewind if they need to. Teaching group with small group of EAL: Guided R/W, Finding evidence in the text, Making connections. Working with the teacher on the IWB, discuss at which part of the clip they can find

During share time at the conclusion of the lesson, discuss strategies students used to successfully complete the activity sheet.

Focused observation of small group; how well they are able to verbalise the information they have located in the text. Completion of activity sheet and discussion of approaches will allow assessment of effective note taking and information sorting.

the answers to the questions on the worksheet. Students are encouraged to provide their answers orally.

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